According to the WT, JW elders "can provide protection by listening attentively to his problem, offering Bible-based counsel, and giving encouragement or practical help. Like their appointed King, Christ Jesus, they want to help those who have been 'thrown about.' (Matthew 9:36) And they desire to assist others who have been damaged by the winds of false teaching. (Ephesians 4:14) Such assistance at the opportune time can prove vital."-A Hiding Place From The Wind (WT 2/15/02, page 23)
Notice that it says the elders
- can provide protection
- encouragement
- practical help
- want to help those who have been 'thrown about.'
Numerous if not hunmdreds of similar comments from the pages of the WTS and from the platform continually remind the JW that it is to the elders alone they should go with their problems.
w98 8/15 p. 6 Confidence Can Be Restored! ??people who trust humans to achieve what only God can do?provide salvation and bring full peace with security?are headed for disappointment.?
The authorities outside of the WTS are not to be trusted and help can only be attained through the society alone.
Even if the "new" policy of the WTS says people can go to the authorities that doesn't mean the WTS thinks they should go outside of the organization. And after years of being told they will not get lasting relief outside of the organization I doubt many will.
Anyone have other scriptures or thoughts on this?