Mulan: Don't you know there is a difference between a man and a woman? A man can be raped only by another man. I had sex with an older woman when I was 14. We both went away witha smile on our faces. It was my first and it was fun. |
Damn Barbara Walters.
by avishai 56 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Don't you know there is a difference between a man and a woman?
What does an anatomical difference have to do with forcing someone to do something that they don't want to do or legally shouldn't be doing?
Big Tex
Don't you know there is a difference between a man and a woman?
A man can be raped only by another man. I had sex with an older woman when I was 14. We both went away witha smile on our faces. It was my first and it was fun.
Don't you understand what rape means? I hope you are not taking the position that a man/boy cannot be raped. If so, I can share a couple of stories.
Main Entry: 3 rape
Function: noun
1 : an act or instance of robbing or despoiling or carrying away a person by force
2 : unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the willYour experience notwithstanding sexual contact between adults and children cannot and should not be condoned or "winked" at, whether the victim is male or female.
Big Tex
Myths Related to Male Victims of
Sexual AssaultSince Rape Crisis Centers don't see many male victims, we don't know positively why they don't report, but we have some ideas:
MYTH: Men don't get raped. FACT: Men do get raped. MYTH: Men and boys don't get raped, or everyone would know about it. FACT: If it's not reported, no one will know about it except the rapist and his victims. MYTH: Males don't report it because they liked it. FACT: Males don't report it because they feel scared, ashamed, afraid no one will believe them, and because they believe they must have asked for it; women don't report sometimes for the same reason, but many more women are comfortable reporting because this is a well-known social problem. No one likes to be raped, and if you think they do, then you don't know anything about rape. MYTH: If you can't handle it on your own, without calling for counseling, you're a wimp FACT: Even smart psychologists and other counselors wouldn't dream of trying to tough it out on their own without outside help. Without counseling, being sexually assaulted can affect the rest of your life in an unhealthy way. Get help. The sooner, the better. MYTH: Men who rape other men are homosexual; therefore, if I get raped by another man, he must have thought I was a homosexual too. FACT: Men who rape anyone do this because they are not normal, mentally healthy people. They don't feel good about themselves, and they don't know how to handle angry feelings or frustrated feelings in an appropriate way, so they make themselves feel better temporarily by hurting other people. They may choose a male victim because they themselves were sexually abused as a child, or because the male victim is available and a female victim is not (for example, in jail), or because it feels like a "higher score" to them because boys and men are generally stronger and not as easy to victimize as are females. Most rapists are "straight" or heterosexual males who have a willing sex partner at home. MYTH: A real man can defend himself, no matter what; no one can rape a real man. FACT: When any human being believes they are in danger of losing their lives, they will submit. You can get over being sexually assaulted, but you cannot get over being dead. MYTH: Once a male has been sexually assaulted, he will probably "turn gay". FACT: It is not that easy to change your sexual orientation (who you are attracted to). We are probably gay or straight from birth, or at least from sometime in the preschool years. The person who has been sexually assaulted is exactly the same as they were before, except sadder, angrier, more afraid of the world, and not feeling as confident about themselves. They may also have trouble sleeping and eating, and may wrongly blame themselves for the attack. Just because you do something you know not to do (hitchhiking, for example) does not give anyone the right to hurt you. MYTH: If a gay man is raped, it isn't the same thing; he won't mind it. FACT: Regardless of whether you are straight or gay, anyone hates being forced or tricked into having sex. People who have been sexually active and then are sexually assaulted can very clearly see the difference. Sex is not rape's motive, but its weapon. It is sex used as a weapon to humiliate, degrade, and cause pain. Aside from the fact that it uses the same parts of the body, it has nothing to do with regular sexual relations. It doesn't feel like sex. It feels like being beaten up. MYTH: If during a sexual assault, your body reacts, it's not rape. FACT: With enough stimulation, the body will react, even when you're terrified. Some rapists will threaten you with harm if you don't have a reaction. -
Big Tex
You must be living in a baloon. Count how many men or male children in the past year that have been "RAPED". Very few. The only ones that come to the surface are the ones that become pregnant and must deal with a law that is unjust to the women. Very little you said makes sense. Myths?? Brother. However, the statuatory rape law is in place and must be followed irregardless of what I think. THat does not make it fair .
Count how many men or male children in the past year that have been "RAPED".
They rarely make the news, buddy. I've worked with abused children my whole life. You would'nt believe how many kids, LITTLE kids, not talking about statuatory that have been molested, and yes raped by women. Raped with foreign objects, sodomized, horrible stuff. Little, tiny kids. And, yes, older boys held down and forcibly sexually violated by women. Our society does'nt want to acknowledge that women are as viloent as men. And capable of sex crimes. It happense every day, and you'll never be able to "count" it unless you work for a jail or social services. It's just not advertised.
Phil: I am not even going to address your comments...they are ludicrious
Avaishi and BigTex: you are so right.
Great, now she's revealing an affair with a man, a family she helped mess up. what a bitch.
Saw this too Avishai. I could care less about BW's affairs. For that matter, who the f*ck cares?
On a side note, isn't Anderson Cooper yummy? -
AVASHAI- It is sick. If she were a man who did the same thing- she would be in prison for life ! Do I hear " double standards " ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper