What bothers me is that I won't be around for much of my daughter's life and her childrens' lives. I am 41 and she is 3. I believe we are non existant when we die. I am extremely sad that we die. I think about death and dying alot lately and it has me quite depressed.
Afraid of Dying?
by PointBlank 32 Replies latest jw friends
Been there and done that
I'll be a bit unsensitive here because I do not fear death. Talk to some others who have had near-death experiences and you will usually hear a similiar response. Besides we were all dead before we were born - what's the big deal? Personally I think being born was more painful than most ways of dying, at least only one person will feel any sort phyisical pain instead of two.
The most amazing thing about overcoming fear of death is that I realized its all about the EGO. We are afraid of losing ourselves - even if we believe we no longer exist after death. We must also accept that most of our grief from losing someone else to death is about us, how sad we are that they are gone. I am not saying this grief is not valid. But when you die, your friends and family will be sorry for themselves - not you!
One of the most mature philosophies I've studied is the Buddhist: that at death "you" return to the ocean like a drop of water. What is individual about you disappears, but the energy of you remains to be individualized again. I don't fix my belief on that specfically, but I choose not let my ego get in the way of my view of death.
For all the mystery in life, death is the one thing you can count on. Why not explore what you have and enjoy it while you have it?
Funny, as time goes by, I reflect on this topic more and more....What saddens me is as time goes by, seeing some acquaintances pass away, I am saddened by the fact that we put so much time into relationships, family, deeds of merit , just to see these things pass into nothing. I live in the desert, and I have taken up sort of a hobby of seeking out ghost towns and desert ruins like old mining camps....I enjoy history.....areas that once held people that once held the same hopes, dreams I now think about....
Heck no! :D
<walks away singing "It's Only Just Begun.........>
No. When the 'you' you take yourself to be is seen to be a fiction, it has in effect 'died' already. What is left after this death is what's always here and always will be here - pure awareness. Yes, the body dies, but the one occupying the body doesn't exist in reality, so what's to fear?
Afraid of dying? I used to be, but not any more. I believe there are such possiblities out there that I'm looking forward to them! Just not right now.
Afraid of the pain the the death process might bring? Yes. I hate pain. Unfortunately, I have chronic pain - a pain in the arse and everywhere else, so what's the diff?
I was in an AA emial group and a woman's dad just died (5 or so years ago). He had been a very close friend of Carl Sagan's, who had died just a week or two before him. Several days after her dad's death, he came to her in a dream, and told her he was doing well, and he was so excited because now he and his buddy could go explore the universe!
Will Boomers Help or Hurt Funeral Industry?
Published: Thursday, 20 May 2010 | 10:40 AM ET
By: Kenneth W. Gronbachhttp://www.cnbc.com/id/37196946/
"At the Cannes Film Festival recently, director Woody Allen said about death, "I'm strongly against it."
No doubt he was serious, but the former stand-up comedian was also serious about promoting his latest film, You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger—the "tall dark stranger" being a euphemism for death. For those in the funeral industry, death, or lack thereof, has been no laughing matter for almost a decade. Funerals and cremations are at a 20-year low. About a decade ago, the industry was handling three million deaths a year. Now that number is a third less. With an inherent gallows-humor bent, it's not surprising that lots of possible reasons have been circulating within the funeral industry about slow business. Among them are alien abductions, body snatchers, secret and private home funerals and burials, but none seemed to satisfy or be tenable. What adds insult to injury is that the industry geared up for lots of new business, following advice from a noted demographer and expert on aging 15 years ago. The demographer predicted that members of the huge Baby Boomer generation would start dying en masse in 2000.
That “good” news coursed through the industry like wild fire, and funeral professionals braced for the predicted explosive demand. The mom-and-pop funeral homes made substantial capital improvements, the big boys bought each other up with a vengeance and Wall Street geared up for a killing, so to speak. The year 2000 came and went. The year 2005 passed. Now it’s 2010, and still the vast majority of the Boomers are alive and kicking. People in the industry were asking "why aren't the Boomers dying?" Didn’t they know that the industry was counting on them? The Boomers weren’t dying, because the esteemed demographer was 20 years off. That is correct, 20 years off. That’s a very big mistake in the field of demography..........." -
Death is inevitbale,
I used to be afraid of what would happen to my family if I die, but I have since taken care of that and while I know I will be misssed, I know that they will be well taken care of and I know that when I die, I will be remembered and I hope that in my remeberance they will find my love for them still there, taking care of them.
Yes, I'm afraid of death.
Not afraid of dying in the least..sometimes i welcome it