What made you "see the light"?

by hubert 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • hubert

    I have received many great responses in this post, and they are very helpful in learning to understand the thinking of the W.T. organization. Thanks so much.

    In summary, from what I gather here, here's many of the reasons j.w.'s leave the cult :

    Generation change.

    U.N. issue.

    Light always changing, doctrinal errors.

    607 b.c.

    No love, or support from elders, family.

    Lost spirituallity, logic.

    Forums, books, especially "C of C".

    Changing Jesus' role.

    Too strict on children.

    Are there any other reasons anyone can think of ?


  • DaCheech

    Disfellowshipping causes:

    1.Family breakups

    2. suicides

    3. depression

  • rocky220


  • twinkletoes

    First our son came across the UN/JW involvement, we just couldn't believe it - we thought it was all made up by apostates ! Eventually, we telephoned the UN and they confirmed it, we also go them to put it in writing which they very kindly did for us. This revelation then led on to all the other things 607bce and other false prophecies. The final straw was reading Ray Franz books, what an eyeopener, 2 Years on and we still talk about the mind control of the Org.

  • twinkletoes

    First our son came across the UN/JW involvement, we just couldn't believe it - we thought it was all made up by apostates ! Eventually, we telephoned the UN and they confirmed it, we also go them to put it in writing which they very kindly did for us. This revelation then led on to all the other things 607bce and other false prophecies. The final straw was reading Ray Franz books, what an eyeopener, 2 Years on and we still talk about the mind control of the Org.

  • twinkletoes

    I must have hit the wrong button - I hadn't quite finished, just wanted to say that this forum was a great help to us too. Twinkletoes

  • teejay

    Which brick builds a house? Which raindrop creates the flood?

    There was no single thought or "Ah ha!" moment that let me see the Man Behind the Curtain but a collection of them that came to me over an extended period of time.

    For me, it was as Barry Sanders, the Hall of Fame NFL running back, said about the passion he no longer felt for the game....

    "It's impossible to say the exact moment when night falls, but there's no mistaking when all the light is gone."

  • mamochan13

    there was no lightbulb moment for me. After being made an example of when they df'd me and played games with me and my family for over a year, I started to realize that the elders didn't follow the rules. For a while I figured this was isolated, that the religion was still right, just some elders wrong. Gradually I realized that even the most sincere elder could not administer the rules of a religion that was wrong itself.

    I'm not usually a slow person, and I now wonder how i could have been blind for so long. Although I guess I always did rebel against the rules and never truly conformed. Big turning point was going to university - if I had any lingering doubts left before that, getting an education removed them.

    I really wonder, though - how can people who are doctors and lawyers, etc., people who have a grounding in science and who are well-educated - how can they subscribe to the nonsense?

  • DaCheech
    I really wonder, though - how can people who are doctors and lawyers, etc., people who have a grounding in science and who are well-educated - how can they subscribe to the nonsense?

    That is why the Kingdom Ministry emphasizes going back to people constantly..... Why? So, maybe the next time you

    will find that their "situation has changed".

    Well... the Society banks on that maybe a death in the family or sickness "will open their hearts".

    You would be surprised on how much spirituality people seek when there are grave problems to deal with!

  • Balsam

    What made me see the light?

    Well the beginning of the real transformation came when I found that my lost love from high school still loved me after 30 years apart. And that my verbally abusive JW husband of 30 years did nothing but laugh at me. That was the beginning of breaking the hold the WTS had on me. I no longer felt the need to remain with my adulterous JW husband. I knew God could not expect such a thing as the WTS Elders expected of me to preserve the good name of JW's. Before I could leave the bad marriage my 15 year old son died, in part as a result of blood refusal, after a car accident. My son refused blood till he became unconscious, and his dad refused blood for him after that. At that moment I knew something was terribly wrong when life meant so little to us as followers of Jehovah, that we would let our son die. How could a loving God ask this of us???? That question was the catalyst for some serious investigation into the blood policy of the WTS. The breaking of the hold over my mind and thinking began with realizing I was loveable, and then the issue of blood was the thing that cut the ties entirely.


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