"For every victim stepping forward there are a good number, in fact as the attorney told me, a major number of about 90% who will not step forward. Why? Because they are ashamed and do not want to be identified. They do not want to re-live the emotional pain and suffering by facing the accused in court. They do not hear about the trial until it is too late to make a claim. Other victims just want to move on and forget what happened. Some victims, while wanting to participate, are satisfied that the molester got caught, and feel no need to join in further action."
One big reason some folks never step forward is the pervasive blame-the-victim mentality, especially among JWs. When I finally broke the code of silence and told my family about our father, my oldest sister came forward and admitted that she had been his victim right up until she married (and that's when he started in on me...). As we compared notes, we found we had both internalized the blame for his behavior... and it never occurred to either of us to tell an elder. we KNEW we would be blamed, shamed, have to recount every detail. When an elderly 'anointed' elder molested her, she kept quiet, same reason.
Being ignorant, it never occurred to either of us that our silence might permit them to victimize others. We thought WE were somehow attracting the attention, and redoubled efforts to be as unobtrusive and untouchable as possible. The notion that these pervs deserved punishment never entered our minds. The notion that Dad might prey on others never entered my mind. It horrified me when I found out that not only did he have a history of molesting my sister, but other relatives knew about it and kept quiet too, out of some twisted family pride, and, knowing he had transferred his attentions to me, continued to keep the silence until I outed him twenty years later. And then after I did speak out, we found that dear old Dad had molested at least two of his granddaughters, too.
It takes more courage than I will ever have to go public and take a perv to court. I salute those who have displayed that courage. I especially salute those who have suffered at the hands of self-righteous judgmental twits who have no clue at all of what the victims went through.