Spies? Do tell.

by jwbot 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwbot

    So it is well known that this religion has spies...My mom used spies at my school to get information about me. Many haveposted their own experiences about spies. I want to know more about it on a large scale.

    Like, "watchers" at a convention? I never heard of that! Can someone elaborate?

    Can someone talk about how they know spies are on this board? I am so curious! Any experiences?

    Other spy stories?

  • MerryMagdalene

    Curious 2...love a good spy story.

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    Yup I believe they have spies on this board...and others. In fact I believe the spies are from Watchtower legal department to gather information which they can use to discredit others. I also believe they view a person liek Bill Bowen @ Silent Lambs as a dangerous threat to their organization and probably have him under daily survielance. Some may find this view paranoid but they bring in close to a billion in revenue annually. I guy like Bowen can cause a 10 - 20 % drop in their annual revenue and that's big bucks not to mention suppressing their annual growth. Add to that the potentila payouts from lawsuits (many of which would not go forward if not for the emtional support of Silent Lambs) and your looking at a very large financial hit for the Watchtower over the coming years. I was but a mere nobody when they tried to litigate me to death and during those years there was a period of about 3 months leading up to our trial when I had a car parked in front of my house everyday and I was followed by a certain white automobile on a few occasions on my daily activities. The same autombile turned out to be driven by a legal clerk from Watchtower legal in Georgetown who attended the trial and served a subpeona on someone I know.

  • Quotes

    Happy Guy, your story is interesting; however I wonder if the spies following your were in the form of Private Investigators, working for the lawyers, who were under retainer by the Watchtower society?

    My gut feeling is that the "spy network" is much less formal; the reason I say this is because those that have escaped bethel do not have any evidence of a formal "spy department" in bethel. Of course, that is not to say that the senior Bros. will use certain trusted lower ones to gather information, even unwittingly:

    "So Brother Newboy, How is your room-mate Brother Apostate-Leaning??? We are worried about him and his spirituality. What kind of radio music does he listen to in the evening? Does he spend too long in the shower? Has he ever mentioned any Sisters in his life?"

    ~Quotes, of the "James Bond" class

    P.S. Happy Guy, where in Ontario are you? there are several of us here in Toronto!

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    Yes I recognize the types of inquiries that you mentioned however (as mentioned in my post) it was the identical vehicle which was driven by a clerk who worked in the Watchtower legal department. There were certain features of the vehicle which were distiguishable. In any event I am not here to convince people, I was simply responding to the post. Without going into large detail about some issues involved in my litigation experience with the Watchtower there obviously was alot at stake in their minds. It was a case where they assigned 4 lawyers (2 of which which worked out of Georgetown and 2 who were JW lawyers working on JW cases at a distance from Georgetown. Just one of the lawyers involved burnt through almost 1million dollars subsidizing his practice and to fight against me (this lawyer was eventually disbarred, after years of proceedings with the Legal Association, for taking that money from JW clients and from estates which had willed the money to Watchtower - his excuse was that he was "borrowing it" to cover costs of our case). Now you multiply that by 4 lawyers and that gives you an idea of how important to them it was that Watchtower be so closely intertwined. Even I was shocked and amazed to find out how involvled they were. I only found out the whole picture years after the fact because alot of it came out in the wash in the lenghty disbarrment proceedings where even Glenn How was a testimonial witness.

  • Rabbit

    Jst2laws had a post where he was going thru a JC, they asked him point blank about "the internet, the 'borg' and if he was a poster on JWD named Jst2laws "...!

    It seems obvious there was and is some spying going on...

  • mamochan13

    I had two elders come and look in my window in the early hours of the morning, they then served as the "two witnesses" on the judicial committee as having observed my "wrongdoing".

    If they peek into people's windows in the privacy of your home, why on earth would they not be actively observing everything on this board?

  • shotgun

    007 Dub

    I have known of Elders and MS to have all night stake outs of baptized dubs who are suspected of having affairs or have split and the remaining loyal dub wants a scriptural divorce.

    The sad thing is, talk to any elder and they tell you they don't have to catch them or see anything other than that this person spends the night at a different residence. This qualifies because everyone knows those who fall away from Jah's Org are can't be trusted.

    Other than that, spies are not needed because every dub is taught to turn in his mother, brother or best friend if they are seen doing something contrary to popular belief of the day.

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    Some of us have had different experiences than you midget.

  • iiz2cool
    I was followed by a certain white automobile on a few occasions on my daily activities.

    I wonder if it was the same white car that was staking me out. They finally stopped after some JWs were advised that I filed a police report.


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