When does the new season of Enterprise start? I've been looking and I haven't seen an episode in weeks now.
Does anyone know?
Star Trek Enterprise
by Big Tex 20 Replies latest social entertainment
Big Tex
October 8th is the premiere. Dave and I like that show too.
Big Tex
Thanks CJ. This and the Simpsons are about the only TV I watch anymore.
I'm guessing they're going to pick up where they left off last season? I hope it makes a little more sense than the ending did.
I doubt it will. I hate that time travel stuff. It boggles my mind. But they obviously landed on earth, and found out that the future had been altered after all. There is a website that you can refresh your memory at www.startrek.com/startrek/view/series/ENT
Big Tex
Hey cool. Thanks!
Anyone get the classic first season on the new packaged DVD set yet? I want it, but $90...
BT, you might like this site to keep up on the episode news.
I gave up on star treck after the voyager show . I think there is way too much rewriting old story lines and trying to make it new . Enterprise , is that the show with scott bacula ? the guy from quantum leap ? which I watched and liked that one a whole lot .
Big Tex
Thanks Blondie. You're a great help.
The first show was the best. Yeah there were bad episodes, but they were doing something truly original and the storylines weren't bogged down in political correctness.
I don't like it that they are re-writing the Trek history. It's not right.
Yes that's the one Heathen, with Scott Bakula.