Kobe, what does the new evidence make you think about what happened?
by DaCheech 26 Replies latest social current
The felony sexual assault charge was dropped at the request of the alleged victim [...] Bryant [...] still faces a civil lawsuit filed by the accuser in Denver federal court. The suit seeks unspecified damages.
Do you believe in civil charges on "he said" -vs.- "I Said" ?
I say, if you can't convict, you must not pocket-pick...
Big Tex
Has anyone read the transcript of Kobe's initial questioning by the police? The guy is a scumbag who thinks anything he does can be fixed by paying off.
Well, all rapists are scumbags, but all scumbags aren't rapists.
Has anyone read the transcript of Kobe's initial questioning by the police? The guy is a scumbag who thinks anything he does can be fixed by paying off.
Hours after his sexual encounter with a hotel employee in Colorado, Kobe Bryant told investigators that Shaquille O'Neal, his Laker teammate at the time, had paid up to $1 million to women to keep them quiet about "situations like this," according to a police report. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/basketball/heat/sfl-929kobeshaq,0,5796320.story?coll=sfla-sports-heat
What scares me the most is not about Kobe.
But, someday my son will go out with somebody, and she just
got off a bad relationship, and decides to say she was raped!
Unfortunately there is no truth serum to say what really went on.
I do not advocate that a man has a right to sex when on a date.... But if
Sex happens, then what next? Does he have to spend 2,3, or 4 days wondering
if he will be served?
and she just got off a bad relationship
it could me my daughter too in reverse roles. I have a couple of kids by the way (males & females) -
Big Tex
And what if the woman says "No"?
Also, it takes a bit of force to get blood on his shirt. That doesn't sound consensual to me.
Don;t know because I've never done that. But there are rough people out there