Carol may have been sincere in her dubism in calling on Nancy.
To me, if I had studied with a young girl, who had tried committing suicide. I would have thought it very rude not to make an attempt to at least talk to her. Nancy sounds like a very lovable kid from all you have told us.
You are right though, in the fact, that Carol would have eventually told her something like
"Just know that I care and love you and that Jehovah does too."......(bringing in the J.W. aspect)
It would also seem reasonable that if this was her intent she would call when she thought Nancy was home from school.
Elders are pretty crafty and secretive about things. Is is possible Carol may not have know of the judges complete order?
Then again she may have known about what happened with your family. .. She didn't seem shocked when you told her and her responses were basically the only thing a loyal dub could say. I'm sorry you feel that way. l"m sorry, I'm sorry..and she left it at that.
Curious, Corvin (was your vehicle parked in the yard when she came to the door)?
Would she have been thinking that you were not home? If that was the case.. then I might very well think that she was trying to access Nancy at home and alone.
It was nice to see that the conversation you had with Carol did not escalate and she didn't say anything diggish or inflamatory... that was good.
Another way she could have shown her concern for Nancy was to send her a nice card, since she seemed to know some of the situation. Did Nancy get a nice card from Carol or anything like that?
Special K
ps. since you informed her of the Judges order, I suspect that Carol will not be back. Did you tell Nancy that Carol had called, Corvin?.. (no pressure, you don't have to answer any of my questions).. It can just be food for thought, okay.