I told my Mom that I tried to commit suicide and she asked me who was going to have a bible study with my son. There was no other word's from her other than that. Not even a reaction. Is that pathetic or what? It's my first time writing, so I guess that makes me an Ex JW virgin apostate watchamacolic. You tell me. It's a sad life isn't it, but amazingly I feel great.(Sorry it's my wife's first time posting,sorry for the confusion)
my mom is a psychodub
by Tim Horton 23 Replies latest jw friends
Dude, are you OK? Don't freak us out here. You have a PM.
yeah... talk to us so we know you meant to say more in your post and that you are ok
Tim, I hope things are OK. There are alot of good people here to talk to. I have been there.
Hey you don't need to have a 'label', you're a visitor...Welcome !
It's a sad life isn't it, but amazingly I feel great.
I remember how scary it was 8 months ago when I made my first post here. It WAS sad, in a way because it was an 'ending' of a part of my life. But, I felt great, too because I knew I had to make that first hard step.
Tim Horton
Thanks Rabbit How long were you a witness? What made you leave in the first place. I've been raised in the truth my whole life, what about you? I have some really juicy, interesting stories if you want to hear them some time. I'm sure you have some too.
I told my Mom that I tried to commit suicide and she asked me who was going to have a bible study with my son. There was no other word's from her other than that. Not even a reaction. Is that pathetic or what? It's my first time writing, so I guess that makes me an Ex JW virgin apostate watchamacolic. You tell me. It's a sad life isn't it, but amazingly I feel great.(Sorry it's my wife's first time posting,sorry for the confusion)
that is sad..
I suppose she thought that if she brought up what seems to be a serious responsibility.. it would give you reason to dismiss any further contemplation..
they don't know how to think outside the JW box.. they've been brainwashed..
35 years I was a witness. I've been 'fading' for about 5 years. I basically got sick of it all, I could not stand listening to bros. on the stand saying how 'loving' and 'helpful' the spiritual leaders in our congregation were. My family was having problems and I knew first hand that they were almost worse than no help at all. They did almost nothing. Yet every meeting night, they taught us to 'rely' on them, they would help 'carry your load'.
Tim Horton
When we we're kids our bible studies felt like something out of a nazi concentration camp. Is that ironic or what? We would sit down and feel like the bible was being drilled into us. To this day I ask myself, if a witness came to my door would I say " I'm not interested" or would I take the magazines. I guess I'll never
know. Now that my mom and my sister know that there's a chance that I'm leaving the truth they're really pushing it. So are my in-laws. They don't do it to my husband, just me? What should I do? I'm totally frustrated but don't want to cut off total family ties. Any advice? -
mrs tim.. i think if your at the point that you have contemplated suicide you need to step back , evaluate your own needs FIRST. you said you have kids, they need you whole. my advice is not to try to do this on your own but seek out some counseling. many people have been where you are now.
your IMMEDIATE family needs need to come SECOND, that being your kids and your marriage. ask yourself what it will take to have a happy home. it may be if you leave the "truth' you will be shunned by your mother and outside family. be prepared for that. but you can survive that. a lot of times that will resolve itself with time. but even if it doesnt, you need to take time NOW to heal.
when i was at my lowest the one thing that kept me from contemplating suicide was the fact that children of people who commit suicide have ( i forget the number) a high chance of doing that too. think about that.our babies are so important and they need their mamas. but most importantly realize that your life is valuable, to yourself, your kids i'm sure to your husband since you post together i am assuming you have a pretty good marriage.
theres a lot of help out there for people in our situation. your not alone. therapy helped me .. heck therapy saved me. it reminded me how important I am . being a JW takes away your self worth. only your "works" are worth anything. but thats wrong thinking.
you have life, your experiences your joys your sorrows all make up who you are . your not tossing your family away , your working on your own life and your childrens lives. its their choice and their loss if they shun you.
i'm rambling .. but i want you to seriously look around, see that your not alone, see your own self worth and see that dark days DO pass. and theres a lot of untapped strength in ourselves that is hidden while we are so busy trying to be a good jw. theres a lot of us around to show that. hugs