If it had become known, would you have possibly gotten into major trouble and either be put on restrictions or recieved disfellowshipping action?
As a JW, Did You Ever Get Away With Anything That Was a DF'ing Offense??
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
Yes .. I was a double-lifer for a time; but I still believed the doctrine. I just figured I would repent later .
Wow. I guess it's not going to reflect well on my character to admit this, but yeah, I can think of a number of df-worthy offenses I've committed while in good standing. I don't intend to list them here, but none of them hurt anybody else, nor were they malicious or evil in nature; they were all just normal human actions. And I'm sure that I'm still in good standing with my creator.
If you can be df'd for posting on JWD, then I was an active JW and posting here.
Nope. I was your lockstep Witness, through and through.
Oxnard Hamster
I was never baptized, therefore I couldn't have been disfellowshipped. At least I think.
Anyway, I was still into forms of entertainment which revolve around magic. J.K. Rowling was even the subject for one of my essays in my Composition class.
I did what I had to do to be a good book study; I also took care of business as far as school was concerned.
Anyway, it's good to hear from you again Stinky Pantz. How are things going for you?
If you weren't baptized you couldn't get df'd! But you could've been considered in violation of 1 Cor. 15:33 and bad association= you'd be treated like you were df'd.
Let's see, I started smoking and I was involved sexually with a worldly girl when I was 17. Even though I wasn't baptized, everyone pretty much ignored me anyway, so I really didn't care.
Well I guess going to the Sunday meeting still tripping on acid would have done it. LOL - Not to glamourize drug use - that was definitely not a better road to go down. And the meeting was hell. I flip-flopped between being a JW Postergirl and a rebellious kid. I made out with boys, snuck out of my house in the middle of the night, drank a lot, did drugs, etc. I finally got tired of everyone expecting me to pioneer when I graduated from high school and turned myself in and got DF'ed. I guess it was just a matter of time.
Add me to the never baptised/in-eligible for disfellowshipping list. But I may have bent a few of the big rules.