Which helps more? The trolley dollies or this guy....

by Slidin Fast 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    I am not usually impressed by human interest stories but this guy does more good in five minutes, does more to promote humanity in 5 minutes than a bus load of sterile literature carts and cartons of propaganda.

    What say you, can one person make difference? 

  • Stealth

    As a professed christian religionJW.ORG should be ashamed of their track record of charity to those in need.

    I will never forget when on a cold snowy winter day a homeless person walked into the Kingdom Hall saying he was hungry.  I saw two elders approach this man, said we don't have any food, turn him around and send him back into the cold with instructions to go to YMCA. 


  • millie210

    Even Jesus fed people first. 

    Not the JW's! 

  • smiddy

    Kudos to this man , and a thousand hot coals on the JW organization for claiming be  a Charitable Status .


  • happy@last
    What say you, can one person make difference? 

    Google Nicholas Winton, there are over 15,000 people alive today because of something he did on his two week vacation many years ago. 

  • SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker

          The Watchtower has a excellent program of helping their Sheep get Government Support by Satan's System.  How many "Letters to the Body of Elders", "Kingdom Ministry" Articles did you read where Elders were told to help people get on the Public Dole and avoid using Congregational Funds when Satan's System was offering to do the job of "clothing", "feeding" and "housing" JWs who gave all their time in pursuit of the Watchtower's Mission?

     In Santa Maria, California a few massive buildings designated as "housing for the elderly" for people who either "worked under the table", "worked in another Country and or had no Social Security Credits.   These Watchtower Citizens of the New Earth should get their provisions from the Watchtower's Coffers since they served the Watchtower as a Bethel Member, Circuit Overseer, Missionary or Pioneer and have no money for their "Days of Grayness.  There needs to be a tax on Cults and Religious Groups to pay for the damage they cause.  Why should Ex-JWs and Worldly Workers have to shoulder the financial bills for the Watchtower's Damaged Goods?  I use this term from the Watchtower's Spirit of using up all there time-resources that could have been used to save for the future only to dump them on the Public's Charity.  The Watchtower is against charity so why not tax their Kingdom Halls?

    When the Elders say "See, Jehovah's Organization take's care of it's own" by getting long-term Witnesses in these homes it makes me sick!  It's not their God or Organization who provided these buildings making sure their elderly poor have food and shelter, it's Satan's if your taking their logic to it's conclusion!

    Link / -0
  • Honesty


    I will never forget when on a cold snowy winter day a homeless person walked into the Kingdom Hall saying he was hungry.  I saw two elders approach this man, said we don't have any food, turn him around and send him back into the cold with instructions to go to YMCA.

    I wonder if they told him that they are the only 'true' Christians on earth before they threw him back out in the cold.

  • cultBgone

    Each of us can make a difference.  Any act of kindness touches not only the recipient and their associates, but the giver's heart as well.

    IMAGINE the good that could actually be done if the millions of jws actually helped people.

    The Watchtower refusal to provide real, tangible assistance even to its own members is EVIL.  The leaders, the GB, are like a rich man in his own little world who keeps every penny for himself and can't be bothered to assist anyone else, even though that rich man grew up poor.  They are modern day Pharisees who have started their own religion and insist that people follow every little rule or face expulsion from their society.  Their hearts are COLD.  Jesus himself would boot them from the temple.

  • ToesUp
    Wow!! There are loving and kind people out there! Some are JW's some are not. It's all in what YOU choose to be!!
    Watched the video - very moving! Thanks for posting.

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