Yep I'm just waitng for the class action lawsuit from old folks and children of JWs who have already died. If any corporation or individual made promises like the Watchtower did "Millions now living will never die" and the generation that was alive in 1914 will witness the end of the world and will be given a paradise on Earth with everything provided and never age as long as they donated there time and money to buying and distributing Watchtower literature now, well there would be lawsuits for sure.
If an individual or company asked investors to invest all of their family savings (forego higher education and go door to door selling watchtower publications, buy all our publications year after year) and promised enormous wealth and permanent finacial stability (physical paradise on earth with no fear of growing old) guaranteed in 1914 and again in the 30s with "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" not only would the lawsuits fly but Government regulatory bodies would be shutting their BS down. Could you imagine also in the medical, pharmaceutical or herbal health industries if they made promises of "you take this pill or get this procaedure and you'll never die". They'd be shut down fast.