Where is everybody? I figured there would be more activity than this.
Wow, the forum is very slow
by FlyingHighNow 35 Replies latest jw friends
I know that logging in has been a problem for some. I hardly post any more.
Where is everybody? I figured there would be more activity than this. -
I blame the snowpocalypse, LOL
Traffic and posting always varies and comes in bursts. It's possible too that some are having troubles signing in - I think the session cookies were set to last for 1 month so people who logged on after the changeover may find them expiring about now.
They should update transparently but it's possible that there is an issue, I'll check the logs and if anyone is having trouble they can of course email me (simon@jehovahs-witness.com)
Black Sheep
The first page I see is pretty sparse on all my devices and I haven't had time to educate myself on how to surf the site for something to read. Was that country flag issue sorted? That put me off for reasons I won't go into. -
pretty sparse
Can you please define / clarify what you mean?
The number of items will be whatever you set it to (5, 10 or 20 per page) so maybe you mean 'spaced out' which could be the "snippets" option.
Actually, I guess you may mean the home page which just lists the subject areas - the real action is by clicking on the Forum or Active links in the header navigation.
Thank you, Simon.
I'm finding the new format a bit hard going. While there is provision for easily accessing threads I myself have started, there appears to be no convenient way of ongoing access of threads others have started but that I have posted on - a feature that was on the earlier format but which is now lost. Hence, it becomes time consuming finding those threads when I've been away even one day. As a result, my usual postings have reduced quite a lot in recent weeks. I realize this will take getting used to and I have likely not yet discovered how to keep easy track of threads I have contributed to so I can read what others are now posting. -
steve - Click on your own name. Then click on the link that says how many posts you have made (posted 2,669 times)
This will bring up a page with all your posts in the order you posted starting with the most recent.
(My post count has dropped by about 10 000)
I used to really like the forum but I hate the new format.The option to bring up all the active threads was great.
Logging is is a nightmare as well as the capcha entries need to be constantly refreshed before one is legible - a few times I've just given up in frustration. So I rarely log in nowadays. It's a shame as I really used to like the site. But like a lot of ex-JWs who have been on the site a long time and have long since left "the truth" , maybe it is time I moved on anyway,
I really appreciate the work Simon has put in but have to agree that there are some changes that I don't think have been for the better. My main issue is that with the old forum you could very easily see the latest comments on a thread and decide if you wanted to delve into it. When you did you went to the latest posts. Now you just see the original post and have no idea if the latest comments merit further investigation. I also think there is less information on the screen, even with snippets. The option to display 20 posts is fine but that get's lost each time for me as I browse with Chrome incognito turned on so the setting is lost. Not the forum's problem I guess :-)
The plus side is that editing with an iPad works much better. The messaging side is improved as well.
i would like to see "(number) new posts." on each subject and for the subject header to come up in contrast colour so i can see where ive been.
and may be because im 47 on the scale of "50 shades of boring" but i find it a tiny bit sad that you correspond and perhaps pm and then often dont hear back. Come on be nice i am house trained.