What does it mean to have "freeness of speech" between elders on the elder body? Can they ask another elder on the body anything about his personal life and/or questions they would never dare to ask one of the rank and file? Can't find much about it in the publications. Thanks in advance.
"Freeness of Speech" Between Elders
by blondie 13 Replies latest jw friends
Does anyone know about this? Thanks
Sorry Blondie, never heard of it before?
However, elders do share details of judicial matters to other elders in other congregations as a form of gossip, but are protected from being accused of gossip because they fall under the "elder confidentiality." This has happened so many times in my area that it makes me want to puke. I'm not talking about judicial cases that involve members in that elder's congregation (in which he may need to be aware of a particular situation), but rather a discussion about judicial matter and this is just pure and simple gossip. So, in that sense I guess they do have "freeness of speech."
Are you either Blondie or Blondieonblondie from H2O? Never heard of Freeness of Speech, maybe it's the Freeness to REPORT another elder for "disloyal" statements?
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"] -
No, Yerusalyim, I am neither. Only someone who is or has been an elder might know the details. I was given the impression that it ends up being like OrangeBlossom said, a license to gossip about others in the congregation and to ask questions of the individual elders about their and their family's personal lives that they could never ask someone outside the body. All this in front of the other elders. Sounds like an inquisition to me.
I appreciate your comments and hello.
Freeness of speech is a power tool that is used against elders by the WT. They must "appear" exemplary to the r&f or they would not have freenes of speech to get up on the podium and spert out WT dogma. ex: elders kids are giving him trouble (probably acting normal)and he can not teach with out having everybody gossip about him.
HoChiMin, did you experience this? Sounds very unloving and coercive. Does proof have to be provided by the accusing elder(s) or can just wild accusations be flung around? I'm glad I'll never be an elder if that is the case. At least there is the formalism of having 2 or 3 eyewitnesses for the r&f. Thanks and hello.
HCM has it right!
They must "appear" exemplary to the r&f or they would not have freenes of speech to get up on the podium and spert out WT dogma. ex: elders kids are giving him trouble (probably acting normal)and he can not teach with out having everybody gossip about him.
Actually 'freeness of speech' is an expression often used amongst the elders, especially at elders' meetings when they are considering the 'qualifications' of a brother who is being recommended as an elder or ministerial servant.
Ozzie"Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos -
No proof is needed, just gossip will do. Yes I'v experienced it all, if someone is out to get you it's very easy. Some bodies of elders can be extreme in their evil treatment of each other. As wild as it can get, I won't miss it.
Thanks HCM. It's too bad about the evil treatment. Reminds me more of how the apostles treated each other before the holy spirit was poured out than after. Of course, Barnabas--Paul and Paul--Peter proves that confrontations did occur after the HS. It is scary if the elders will tear each other apart, what hope does a lowly r&f and a sister at that have.
Thanks ozziepost. I knew that about analyzing the elders and MS. I just didn't realize how nasty it could get. I wonder if anyone could stand up to such unfounded scrutiny, not even Jesus. The Pharisees and scribes did a number on him too. Sounds like I am comparing the elder body to the Pharisees....hmmm...