And that, my friends is why everyone who is legaly able to do so should carry a firearm... Something small, easily concealed like the Para-arms .45 ten shot warthog or the Taurus Millenium pro. Both very small very powerful. Don't attempt to pull it out and confront them though don't even act like your armed say yes sir mister robber and no sir mister robber and hey do you see that money on the safe and when he turns to get it you simply place the barrel of said gun to the back of his head and blow him straight back to Jehovah!
Yeah! Rock and roll! That's what we need to solve violence! More violence!
As the USA has allowed personal weapon ownership to transcend all bounds of common sense, there is anargument for arming everyone. You wouldn't even need to make any more guns, just share all the ones there are out equally.
It's a pretty dumb argument. BUt you can't magic away a couple of hundred million weapons, and as I've commented before, all that happens if you try to take them away is give the NRA an orgasm.
It's a shitty scenario; I'm glad I live in Europe where I am very very unlikely to be killed.
There were 62 murders with firearms in the UK in 1999. There were 8,259 in the USA in the same year. SInce the US population is about 4.3 times what it is in the UK, that means if the USA was as safe a country as most European countries you'd have about 270 muders a year.
You have over 30 times that level. You poor bastards.
Hey - let's be careful out there!