Thanks for comming to the rescue...
Ok... Heathen.
And respectfully... this is a good debate. A good "talking contest."
I know Howard Stern doesn't know who I am.
But I do know, he's pretty straight up.
And I like that.
You know (and this is all hearsay). When Dan Rather was attacked - thus the imfamous song "What's the Frequency Kenneth" from REM.
But when Dan Rather was attacked. There was a rumor that it was from a jealous husband.
Now, I REALLY like Dan Rather.
But it IS refreshing when you see someone in radio or TV that just tells it like it is.
I mean, it's part of Dan Rather's job to be Politially Correct.
And I respect him greatly for that. Becaue that's his thing.
But how refreshing is it when you have someone like Howard Stern that isn't afraid to say shit.
Howard Stern set free...
by Confucious 35 Replies latest jw friends
I just noticed how inflammatory my post must have seemed... Sorry Ona! lol
I never said stern wasn't entitled to his opinion . I don't like Rush Limbaugh either . I simply said the guy aint funny ....... Andrew Dice Clay pretty much said the same thing . He has done nothing but showcase trash on the radio , true the interviews can be interesting but it always regresses into some retarded mindless dribble that if I had friends like that I don't think it would last very long .........
Just glad you aren't hearing voices in your head telling you stern is the messiah .............. LOL
C'mon, Howard Stern is great....lighten up. Sometimes he is over the top, but he is alway interesting and demands attention
Let me put it to you this way ----- Jerry Springer was voted the worse show on TV and I think it's hysterical but I would have to say the Howard Stern show is the worse show on cable and radio..... Too bad the hysterics just aint there. I also like the man show on comedy central , just to show you what I think works for me ........
Howard Rocks! Not everyone appreciates his style of humor (which is heavily dependent on IRONY), but that's OK, too.