Oh man, I can just see this one in the back of the WT:
Question From Readers: Is there anything scripturally wrong with a Christian wearing blue jeans?
Answer: Blue jeans were invented over 100 years ago and were regularly worn by farmers during harvest time as a practical garment. Gradually, over the last century, emphasis has shifted from just farmers wearing to where the whole world is encouraged to purchase and wear blue jeans. Is this something that Christians should be concerned about? Yes it is. Satan the Devil, the master deceiver, has used the art of subtly, greed and lust has put it into the hearts of man to promote the wearing of blue jeans to try and turn away the righteous from Pure Worship. How does he do this?
Well, we see many movie stars who wear tight-fitting blue jeans when they're obviously not farmers. The only other reason someone would wear such a garment is to try and draw attention to one's own sensual body and to try and excite members of the opposite sex and trick them into committing fornication or adultery. Blue jeans put emphasis on the gluteous maximus and by wearing tight fitting blue jeans, some people have experienced health problems and worse, have been enticed to masturbate as the friction from the blue jeans rubs their privates in a very non-Christian way. Masturabation is self-serving and is one short step away from fornication. If we want to keep ourselves clean and undefiled from this wicked world, shouldn't we avoid all of Satan's snares, including blue jeans? It may seem like an innocent thing, but as we've shown, wearing blue jeans can lead to immorality. Is your relationship with Jehovah worth the comfort of this particular garment?
The bible says: "Clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union." There is no mention in the bible of Jesus or any of his disciples wearing blue jeans. There is, however, much evidence that shows bluejeans were worn during the Birthday celebrations of Pharaoh and Herod, which resulted in two deaths, thus showing that blue jeans are from pagan origin.
Therefore, it would be wise for serious-minded Christians not to stumble others in the congregation, by wearing blue jeans.