Reading the amazing information about what a cult is, got me thinking....there are thousands of ppl here, why don't we do a letter writing campaign to the society, bombarding them with letters outlining things like the cult attachment to JW's, disfellowshipping, 1914, UN, anything that we would like to see admitted or changed? Outline what changes we think would be useful and necessary. We could then post the letters that they send back here to let others know how they reply. I once poured my heart out to them about my life. They sent back this pathetic letter with no personal attachement whatsoever. Any little crack in their facade would be a start, wouldn't it?
Let's get them working, reading and shake them up a little, let them know that we are here and want changes. We could try addressing the letters to specific individuals within the society hq as well.
What do you all think?