Any one checked todays Text?

by Alternative 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    Thank you Alternative for bringing to our attention the day's text.

    You apparently are well versed in the Borg's slant on scriptures as you have shown in your remark that you follow the Society's interpretation of this text i.e. that it describes the present time we're living in.

    As so often happens in the Society's theology, they take a single text as a basis for a teaching. Reliable Bible teaching comes from commenting on texts in context; something the Society rarely does.

    Alternative: Please read the whole of First Timothy. And please do this without referring to any other publication. If possible read in a translation other than the New World Translation. I suggest you will find:
    (a) you enjoy your Bible reading more
    (b) your opinion of what is meant by the passage may be modified.

    As for the day's text, you would find that Paul is referring not only to the time before the Second Coming, for in verse 7 he states: "Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales" (NIV). So it should be obvious from his assumption in verse 7 that the false teachings were already present at the time of his writing. This is quite different from what is expressed in the daily text and comments that you refer to.

    The comments on the day's text from the Watchtower state:

    In harmony with these words, Christians today are determined to protect their faith and the body of truth with which they have been entrusted
    You would be aware of this much used expression "body of truth". What does it mean? Isn't it true that the body of truth as taught by the Borg is a fluid body, forever changing position? What this sentence really calls for is obedience to an organisation, not to the Almighty Father. Persons querying (or doubting) the interpretation of certain teachings cannot be described as godless, can they? And yet it was the godless that Paul spoke of being misled by the teachings of demons.

    Sorry Alternative, your theology (if it is your theology) is wrong.

    Nice try at trolling. I agree with Hippikon. Instead of using much time in trolling, how about putting that time to serious study of your beliefs? It'd do you more good.


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

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