Hi all,
I have long ago come to the conclusion that the JW religion is a negative influence on society for many reasons. Their "love" is so conditional that it doesn't count as love..... their prophecies are contradicted by many different, more accurate dates from which their chronolgy is based (587 B.C.E rather than 607 B.C.E., for example).... and I could go on, but most here have developped an understanding of why the Witnesses DO NOT have "the truth", so enough said about why we are where we are.
But what has changed in the last 12 years, since I left? I felt that the about-face on the 1995 generation change of thought brought a lot of people out, and thankfully so. But I have been reading other topics about how they seem to not really care about the "new book" part anymore and that how the Governing Body seems to have changed, as far as their power goes. This passiveness could be good in a sense, but it could also be bad. It would likely soften the Witnesses, as a group, as far as how EXTREME they are allowed to appear to be to the general public, but it would tend to not shake peoples' comfort zone enough to allow them to question their faith as a whole.
I have my entire immediate family still trapped in that religion and I have been waiting patiently for their innate human tendency to see through BULLSH*T to come through, but I now wonder if they will find comfort in the fact that they are becoming better adjusted instead.
What does anybody else think? Don't worry, I am comfortable enough with where I am in life to stay on the outside but I still have a desire to be reunited with my family as well......... and I was hoping that their rigidity/close-mindedness would force some of my family out.