If you enjoy your thought processes of other worlds, go for it, but you will still be sitting in your spot when you are back to reality.
Hi Ken, I appreciate your point here. But the whole point of this thread is that it's not 'other' worlds, it's a matter of going deeper in an understanding of this one, the only one.
I was just thinking about this yesterday actually, how there is this tendancy, trend of trascending out of next Tuesday in spirituality. From a non-dual perspective there is no separation, it's not that you go away to some other place, but rather it's just a matter of looking beyond appearances. I guess it's just a matter of going to extremes in a way, since we are so used to this subjective view, we tend to disregard it in an effort toward a deeper understanding.
If nothing else we certainly still have this experience of being a human being in a world with other people, although that is not quite the same as thinking you are your experience. Incidentally this is how people can be overwhelmed by things like depression, because it seems so consuming whereas it is actually only a state you are in, even if it is a challenging one. But to use an everyday example, we may be good (or bad) at our job, but that is just a role (the thingness) we play - it's not who we are. This doesn't mean we don't do our best and the excellence doesn't show in our work, but we go home (no-thingness) at the end of the day.
So that is like spirituality in that a lot of what we consider very spiritual people we also consider great human beings, they may not necessarily identify with that, but it's not like being separate in some far off realm. Being engaged in life with people means you are free to be, free as a human being as well as being free from or of it. Of course this doesn't mean you are indulging in behavior that is simply acquired conditioning, thinking that means freedom, but the humanity shines through simply because you are not afraid of being human.