Almost and wife...I am happy for the both of you!
My wife has joined me in leaving the Watchtower!!!
by AlmostAtheist 86 Replies latest jw friends
if he would be that sensitive about it. He shouldnt have posted it for the world to see
Believe me, Gina can take care of herself! And I certainly did post it for the world to see, I was THRILLED and PROUD that my wife came out too.
Almostatheist, glad to hear the good news! Congratulations to both of you. Prosper and be well.
no disrespect intented. I was answering doodies post.
Lady Lee
OK I know a lot of you are angry at the WTS. But do you really have to jump on every word that a JWs says and go into a feeding frenzy? Remember - you were one of them at one time and would have posted the exact same things.
hehe, actually, I'm LMAO...
Hi there honey <waves at AA> Didn't expect you to be postiing since you're at WORK. Or suppose to be.
Yes, it's been nice having the whole family in agreement.
I have a question for defd. If the FDS is gods choosen ones, then why would you be posting on an "evil" site like this one? After all, we are "Jehovah's enemies". And they tell us to not talk to apostates...shouldn't you follow this from them? Or are you not a JW? Not meaning any disrespect to you, but I am curious now. So, please don't take this the wrong way.
I apologize for messing with your alias name. I will not do it again.
I have a question for defd.If the FDS is gods choosen ones, then why would you be posting on an "evil" site like this one? After all, we are "Jehovah's enemies". And they tell us to not talk to apostates...shouldn't you follow this from them? Or are you not a JW? Not meaning any disrespect to you, but I am curious now. So, please don't take this the wrong way
I have no problem talking with some on here. NOT everyone here is an APOSTATE. I know from personal experience and from others I know personally that some have left for reasons other than APOSTASY. I too have been hurt by the BROTHERS and ALMOST LEFT. I hung in there. If tyou have decided to leave the ORG. that is your choice, i know. But I will post my feelings on this board, popular or not. I will give you the same admonishment that I have given others. Just dont LEAVE JEHOVAH.
Wow! You must get out of bed every morning with one huge smile!
I am very happy for you! What a wonderful FREE life your family has ahead!
Take care,