It's Prince's mojo that I think will eventually derail him as a JW. You can only deny your true nature for so long and then it just starts to ooze out of you from every pore.I disagree because you also have to factor in that many times the elders & Society use a different standard when it comes to the wealthy & famous. Unless Prince does something so heinous that it would bring enormous reproach on the WTS itself, I doubt he will be derailed as a JW. Now, if he gets conflicted and decides to leave it will be different...Prince is a very passionate and sensual person. He is going against that to be a prim and wholesome brother *gag*.
This is what I mean by derailed. You can't suppress who you really are to yourself forver.You can hide it from others but you cannot hide it from yourself. Eventually it will come to the surface where others can see though.
Michael Jackson was not allowed relaxed standards. He was put under public reproof for his Billy Jean video. A Bethel high up dedicated our KH: afterwards we asked him about Michael Jackson. This was in late 1983. He told us that Michael had been reproved specifically for that video. They kept picking Michael apart for every little thing he did with his music and videos. Do you remember the disclaimer before the thriller video? This is why he finally walked away from JWs for good. I don't blame him. I'm sure it got very old, very quickly. It's a shame he had to go on to become such a bizarre person.