"A man in West Bengal who refused to provide a blood transfusion to his critically ill daughter because his religion forbade it has been arrested."
"Jehovah?s Witnesses view life as God?s gift represented by blood. They believe in the Bible?s command that Christians must ?abstain from blood (Acts 15:28, 29). Hence, if a physician violated such patients? deep and long-held religious convictions, the result could be tragic.?
The above quotes come from an article posted on Gopher's thread. (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/16/79277/1.ashx)
The one below is from the WT mag:
*** w88 9/15 p. 3 Do All Good People Go to Heaven? ***
THE death of a child is probably the most traumatic experience parents can have. ?Where is our child now?? they wonder. ?In heaven or some other place?? Most religions teach that babies who die go to heaven. In Johannesburg, South Africa, the epitaph on one tombstone reads: ?God wanted an opening flower, his angel took one of ours.? But one may wonder: ?Why should God want ?an opening flower? when, according to popular belief, he already has so many?? And countless people wonder "What Is Heaven Like?"
I find the Watchtower quote very hypocritical and contradictory with their other doctrines. They slam religions for saying that God wants children to die. At the same time they say it's perfectly in line with Jehovah's will to refuse to save your child's life in some situations and that Jehovah wants children to live in Paradise so much that he can take them away from their parents if necessary.
Just a sad reflection.