Distractions at the Convention

by Nosferatu 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    I read the post where some kid let go of a helium balloon at a convention, and everyone was watching it. When I used to attend the conventions, I loved distractions. I always heard multiple "pssst" sounds from people opening cans of Cott cola. I loved it when there was an "unruly" child sitting in front of me. I loved it when birds would fly into the convention center (waiting for it to poop on someone).

    What were some of your favorite distractions from the boring talks?

  • pratt1

    When the assemblies were held outdoors, it was always fun to have airplanes flew over the stadium.

    It always disrupted the speaker and and gave me a chance to focus on something other than the boring talk.

  • DaCheech

    My friend had a laser pointer, and was counseled

  • DaCheech

    oooooooooooh those 4 day assemblies at Giant Stadium..... One summer 3 days of continuous rain

  • jgnat

    The family of five girls, who managed to snag the coveted extra-wide aisle for families with young children. Baby quilt, car seat, and bundles of toys were not enough to keep all five quiet all day. Mom and dad took turns taking each one out in turn for their potty break. Very active, very colourful to watch.

    The teenage boys on the top risers with their handycams and their binoculars. I pointed them out to a pious sister, who primly replied, "They are not supposed to be there! They are supposed to sit with their parents." I mentioned if I was a kid I would probably want to sit up there, too. "But they are not supposed to be there!"

    "But there they are!"

    "But they are not supposed to be there!"


  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    LOL, jgnat!

    The teenage boys on the top risers with their handycams and their binoculars

    I always envied the kids who got to sit up on top. I had to be a good little elder's girl until I was 18. 1997 was the only year I got to sit up on top, and I was not a good example. I certainly didn't pay attention, except to the boy sitting one section over.

    Cute boys were the BEST distraction at the convention.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    We used to have District conventions held at the Belmont Race Track in New York. I used to enjoy seeing the water trucks watering down the dirt and racking the dirt track while the convention was being held. Also, I used to enjoy watching the horse trainers work out the horses during the talks. Sure was better than listening to all the horse sh*t that was spewing from the platform.

  • Lostreality

    women..short dresses, fresh tans, low cut shirts, sometimes even the tight miniskirt.

    oh man...my friend chris and I would cruise the halls all day...go to krispykreme, go to the local bento place where we would find other witnesses during the session. and

    THE APOSTATES!!! Oh man apostates were great distractions at conventions!

  • lawrence

    Loved the assemblies at racetracks, watching the horses practice. When a thunderstorm rolled in, all the stir, that was great! The best, 1972 Scarborough Maine when a few convicts escaped from prison and the staties thought they might have circulated amidst the JW assemby crowd, so we all had to leave early that day, slowly, as each car was inspected for a con or two. Hell, we were the cons!

  • jws

    Sleeping, staring at the ceiling tiles, drawing, checking out the hot girls. Depended on the venue. At County Stadium in Milwaukee, just looking at all the aspects of a baseball stadium was cool because I'd never been there before. Or you could watch the cars go past on the freeway.

    After we were old enough, my brother and I would skip out and go to the lake, go get a beer, whatever, and then go back to the assembly and try to blend in just as it was letting out. Then try to pretend that we really had been there.

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