gretchen --- thanks for elaborating on that . I agree .
The taking prayer out of school was a result of a suit brought by the athiest lady (I think) that disappeared, can't remember her name.
I remember this story as well . I think the case was solved when they found the remains of her body in a shallow grave . She was murdered over a couple million dollars . can't think of her name but she was known as a very nasty person and not someone who stood out as far as promoting atheism but for her law suit .
These religionists want to see prayer in school and teaching of the gospel as part of the ciriculum in public schools and the only people that take it seriously are the atheists . I strongly believe that religion is part of the private sector and should not be funded by the school system as education . They do teach evolution in public schools but I think they should also include the facts in counter point instead of just insisting it's fact . It is a " theory " that remains unproven . I also don't think it proper to have children praying around a flag pole . The country does have a sepperation of church and state in the constitution and people like Pat Robertson are always trying to convince the public it's not there .