Ok this is the article that many have anticipated since that talk was given 18 months ago.
As I have said before, I often attend on Sundays, to support my JW wife and keep us together on Sundays. I had not "prepared the study"(surprised?) so my heart sunk a bit when I saw what it was. Wife gave me the sort of look that said she knew what I was up to , and this was especially for me!
Opening paras ok , general points....I took note of p 11 "Destructive sects" that is in 2 Peter, but who today has set up a sect from the dubs, or even wants to? para says "No matter what apostates may say, the real aim is to 'steal slay and destroy' Who? What?
P12. "Harmful associates" with picture of a young girl at a computer.. Paragraph talks about those who criticise the 'restrictive way of life' and then those who hide their identity pose as other teenagers to "Lure you into a trap" - hardly the sites we know and love, rather general advice as given by the world..
14. Media "lies" .. That a newpaper said that they supported Hitler during WW2. Is this not a "Straw man " argument", take the exteme case, debunk it , then use that to say that nothing adverse from the media should ever be beleved. We know that to be a fallacious technique (anyway see Blondies comments earlier about what they did say in the 1930's)
This is when it got heavy. Paragraph refers to accusations of "Condoning serious sins commited by fellow beleivers" A hand from the back then answered up and said about the BBC Panorama programme a year or two back that told lies about alleged child abuse. I bristled at that , but it was just an answer . But when the conductor, from the platform agreed with him and said that the programme was a lie....that was it. I just had to get up and walk out....
He was teaching the lie.. He stood there on a platform of a meeting that purports to worship the "God of truth" and told complete knowing untruth to the congregation.. I was outside in the lobby now............Still, nobody seemed to notice me so they did not care.
After the meeting you might imagine the type of conversation that took place . Typical family Sunday really.