In your opinion are there any? I say, 'in your opinion' because we all define morality differently.
Moral Absolutes??
by StinkyPantz 29 Replies latest jw friends
"Thou shalt not kill"....maybe????????????. I'm not a big supporter of the Bible but that one seems about as "absolute" as you can get. Of course there are always those who will say you sometimes have to kill.... in war or to survive an attacker yourself, but if that attacker believed in not killing you in the first place or if the other party responsible for the war felt the same way, there would still be no reason to kill, would there?
It always makes me think of that movie "Pay It Forward" where the child tries to start a movement of doing good things first and just trusting that it will come back to you. I'm not sure if the writer, by ironically having the boy killed in the end, was suggesting that that utopian possibility will never be "absolute" or not, but it might at least contribute to the world becoming a little more loving/peaceful.
(So many questions, and only a few personalities within myself to answer them. )
I follow you outbutnotdown
but : I would make a difference in beetween : to kill (necessity) and to Murder (no real reason even fear) - but the example you made is actually about MURDER ...
"Pay It Forward" wonderfull movie by the way ... I've watched it at least 3 times ... and recorded it for Tony and his girlfriend and friends, I just don't know where it is now !!! (will probably buy the DVD when seen)
What about killing out of mercy?
Never mislead a person for your own gain... (that seems to show up in just about every culture or religion, maybe there is something to it ?)
Killing another person (unless it's in defense of another life)
Both of this concepts seem to be a recurring theme in cultures world wide... maybe we are sposed to be wired this way?
To a certan extand I would add taking/steeling what's not your's (that you didn't produce, didn't deserved, and so on ...)
SP : What means out ouf mercy ... ?
Like killing someone who is in tons of pain with no cure in sight. a.k.a 'Put them out of their misery'.
SP : Like killing someone who is in tons of pain with no cure in sight. a.k.a 'Put them out of their misery'.
Well that's not a murder ... that's an act of love ... and not easy to do (not sure I would be able to) but if my son ask for that and if I ask him to do that ... I hope he or I would be able to ...
The only reason that might not ask him to help me is that he would go to jail because of that ... its against the law ... But against the law or not, if there's no solution and too much pain I WOULD DO IT FOR MY SON ... in the less painfull way possible and if nothing special to help - break his neck while kissing him for the last moment he would be alive !!!
This is why I presented the question.
It seems, as far as what I can see, that nothing is morally absolute. At least with me, I can think of exceptions to almost everything a person might think is absolutely morally wrong. I person might instinctually say there ARE moral absolutes, like for example killing.. but if you think about it, is mercy killing wrong? Suicide? Abortion? Accidents?
The other moral absolute that comes to mind is that of sex with children or pedophilia being wrong. Thing is, in some African countries, as soon as a girl starts her period she is given in marriage. She might only be 9 years old. Also, in some ancient cultures it was common practice for married men to also have a male youth as a sex partner.
I (but that's me) see a big difference in between
- to deserve (a right somehow) and to steel or take away (what's not yours or do not deserve and so on ...)
- to kill (necessity) and to murder (no reason).
Also : suicide is a personnal concious or not conscious choice ... as for abortion I only can see a moral "priority" about who have the right to make the choice, it's about taking care of parents brothers and sisters who are or will be fully alive (to preserve there sanity who could have an effect anyway on the future sanity of the human in formation - and all the people around and that they'll meet in the future) that doesn't mean that the woman/parents who will go trough abortion won't suffer about it ... but she/they would have make her/there own choice and will have to feel responsible for all the consequences related on her/them and the entire society who will only (from that) have to solve the problem when she'll/they'll get there ... and that nothing else can help anyway to preserve everybody else (alive).