I feel for you, man. The meetings, recently, have taken a hard line to "outsiders". It is most hard to see otherwise kind people eating this stuff up. All of a sudden, I am the "enemy". I can see it in their eyes. It is even worse for family situations. How do you sleep with the "enemy"?
Given time and a new environment (college), I think your son will come around.
I often wonder what it is like for Jehovah's Witness mothers, who can only accept one future for themeselves and their children. If their children go their own way, she is cut off from motherly affection. If she entertains doubts, she can never leave, or risk being cut off from her children. The only way to "peace and happiness" is for her to remain on the JW treadmill along with all her children. Unless, of course, she leaves along with her children. A family is screwed nearly every which way you look at it. I am most grateful when I hear of young couples leaving when their children are small. That has to be the healthiest way.