I was waiting for you to answer my question. But since you didn't, i'll ask it, what's a strawberry raspberry?
Ps, i'm only moderately psychic.
by Frannie Banannie 35 Replies latest jw friends
I was waiting for you to answer my question. But since you didn't, i'll ask it, what's a strawberry raspberry?
Ps, i'm only moderately psychic.
RecoveringJW i didn't answer yes to #17 but i have had things like the faucet turn on by itself. I was scared poop less.
I knew I was going to read this with skepticism! :-O
kls, Hmm.......interesting.
I once had this Dodge Neon whose radio didn't work. Only, sometimes, I would be driving along, and the radio would just turn on! And then others times, the radio would turn on and then when I turned the car OFF, the radio would still be ON. It totally creeped me out the first time it happened.
We all knew you were gonna say that
It was a bit of a silly question really, huh?
Btw, you don't need to go through the ads. Just scroll to the bottom of the page and click the button for your results.
Ya got me. I could have guessed you'd reply, but I didn't
High 5's to Code Blue!
Did anyone answer yes to #17 about dishes breaking on their own when you are mad? I am just curious. I sometimes wish I could do that. Then maybe people would take me seriously when I get mad. Of course, I would also like to have the ability to just think about the broom and dust pan and have all those telekinetically broken dishes cleaned up.
Not me, RecoveringJW....I'd hate to be like Carrie
I have a better question.
LOL! No ya don't, Min...not without a test for proof.....heheh
I wasn't expecting to have to get through three pages of adverts and then get a blank page, so I guess I am not psychic.This question made me laugh:
Do you enjoy being alone and entertaining yourself with your own vivid imagination or daydreams?
Oh, yes!!!
LOL, FE203girl! Yes, I enjoy that, too....
what's astrawberryraspberry?
Sorry, Satanus, I didn't see your question before.....A raspberry sound is made when yer razzin' somebody.....usually sticking your tongue out between tightened lips and blowing hard creates this fart-like sound....but blowing on someone's cheek with lips pressed against the cheek will have the same affect....and it tickles!
i have had things like the faucet turn on by itself. I was scared poop less.
I would be too, kls!
LOL, doc!
sometimes, I would be driving along, and the radio would just turn on! And then others times, the radio would turn on and then when I turned the car OFF, the radio would still be ON. It totally creeped me out the first time it happened.
Cripes, RecoveringJW! I'd be creeped out EVERY time it did that!
Can any of you psychics guess what I think of this thread?