Just a simple hello...

by maximumflash 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • maximumflash

    Just saying hello to everyone on here.

    For those that do not know me, I was on here a while back. I've been out of the loop for about a year (give or take) and recently got back online so I thought I would stop in at JWD and say hi.

    Talk to you later, Max.

  • Angharad

    Hi Max

    Good to see you again, hope everything is going well for you.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Hey MAX..... don't be such a stranger....

  • frenchbabyface
  • bikerchic

    Hello there stranger! It's great to hear from you, hope you're able to stay awhile.

  • DevonMcBride

    Hey, welcome back.


  • SwampThing

    How did you remember your password after all that time?


  • scootergirl

    Hey Max! Glad to hear you are alive and kickin! Make sure to tell that wonderful wife of your's hello from me!

  • maximumflash
    Good to see you again, hope everything is going well for you. - Angharad

    Good to see you too. Things are going pretty good for me and Cassi. Hope you, Simon, and the family are doing well yourselves.

    Hey MAX..... don't be such a stranger.... - Double Edge

    I'll try not too!

    Hello there stranger! It's great to hear from you, hope you're able to stay awhile. - biker chic
    I'll be around here and there. Probably in the chat room more than posting, but I'll be around.
    How did you remember your password after all that time? - SwampThing
    It ain't easy dude. Guess I have one of those selective memories. I can remember passwords but I can't remember my own birthday... LOL! Let's not even talk about the aniversary....lol
    Hey Max! Glad to hear you are alive and kickin! Make sure to tell that wonderful wife of your's hello from me! - scootergirl
    Still alive... refuse to die! I will pass on your message to Cassi. Good to see you!
  • WildHorses

    Hi Max! Are you back home again? If so, that would explain why I haven't seen Cassi around here lately. Please tell her I said hello.

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