are we psychos????,,,,,,,,let me ,let me answer,,,,,,,,,,YES YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!! : o
Currently the "Psycho's" are leading the the "Psychic's" 39 to 27
by outbutnotdown 22 Replies latest jw friends
What on earth are you talkin' about?
Did you have your fiber yet?
Shit, my smilie are MIA agian..
*insert wink here*
Currently the "Psycho's" are leading the the "Psychic's" 39 to 27
Has the lack of a hockey season driven us to this? I am starting to bet on which car will drive out of the parking lot first.Arrrgh... the colors.... I can't stop them.
Stef this is right up your alley,,,,,,RunningMan needs comforting,,,,,,,,: >
They back! muhahahahahahaha..
Thats it KLS ...... Where the cream pie with your name on it!
Oh Mini ,,,,,lunch is ready and i prepared it just for you with all the goodies,,,,, ; O,,,,,,,open wide
Well Stef after you stuck your butt in it i donated it to research to find out what that was you left BEHIND,,,,,: ))))
I was wondering what happened to my cat?!?!?!?
okay sorry i will butt out already....
and its a BIG butt! lolol