Dolls/Stuffed animals.... what's your opinion?

by outbutnotdown 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • outbutnotdown

    I had my two girls with me today. They were as beautiful and loving and caring as ever.

    They each had their own favorite dolls that they cared for much like I care/d for them. It was beautiful to watch!!!!!!!!. They also love stuffed animals.

    I am 35 years of age and I still love stuffed animals (which is the equivalient to dolls, I hope, for girls.) I'm not sure if it is because of a fear of ridicule that I haven't expressed this opinion earlier but I am "coming out of the closet", so to speak.

    I love stuffed animals and the peace and serenity that they represent. Does anybody else feel the same way? Flower already said that I am weird, so I figure I might just as well show her how "weird" I really am.


  • justhuman

    don't like them

  • under74

    can't say that I'm a fan...I was when I was five. um, my sister has a bunch of stuffed animals and that's fine. To each his own, right? you name them? If you name them that might be a little weird...

  • MerryMagdalene


    Love what you love. Take your peace and serenity wherever you can find it. Growing up doesn't have to mean growing out of absolutely everything associated with the joys and comforts of childhood... Does it? I never liked dolls much, but I adore stuffed animals and action figures and collectibles. So does my daughter, but sometimes I think that at least some of what I buy or make for her is, to some extent, also for me. That goes for movies, too. Share the joy !


  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    I have loads of these - being a sentimental soul I can't 'bear' to throw them out. This is mainly because I remember who gave me them, and the occasion.

    My own favourites were a large Panda bear, and a smaller one. I imaginatively named them 'Big Panda and Little Panda'. I also remember my first 'talking' doll that could speak and sing - when I took it out of the box I almost passed out with the excitement - and before anyone makes any comments I was only 4!!!!


  • bull01lay

    I blame stuffed animals for my current marital status...

    When I was first 'courting' my wife.. she used to send me loads of silly questionaires.. one of the questions being "Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?" My reply was "I AM a stuffed animal!". I think that was the clincher!!!

    So yeah, I guess I do like stuffed animals!!

    Can't see anything wrong with naming them either!! Sitting them at the table during mealtimes and moaning at them for not eating their greens may be going a little far ...!

    Don't drive around with them on the rear parcel shelf in your car though... we have a saying in the UK that you can tell the drivers IQ by how many fluffy toy's there are in their car... the more toys, the lower the drivers IQ !


  • blondie

    I just bought a black bear this year to go with the Northwoods scheme in one room of the house.

    I have a stuffed Tigger in my work cubicle and a bear given to me by one of my male co-workers.

    Ce la vie


  • Nosferatu

    I loved stuffed animals when I was a kid. Unfortunately, lots of them got chewed up by the goddam dog. I still dislike dogs. My mother would new eyes and noses on them. I was pissed when the dog chewed one of my favorites, a small stuffed cat.

    When I was living with my ex, I bought her a soft stuffed toy. My smallest cat used to pull it off the headboard and hump it in the hallway.

    A week before my ex left me, I bought her a stuffed chipmunk. It was really cute. The bitch threw it in the garbage when she left. I rescued it and still have it to this day.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I see nothing "wrong" at all with a man liking stuffed animals. Actually I think you are showing great insight and taking care of yourself. I believe very strongly that we all have an inner child, and it sounds to me as if your inner child finds comfort and security in them (I collect mini football helmets!). Sounds to me like you are giving yourself something you need now, and perhaps didn't get earlier in life.

    I'm a weird guy myself, maybe one of the weirdest on this board. I'm old enough now that I kind of like being different and I'm beginning to understand that to begin to find happiness we must become the person we're supposed to be. I get cheered up on rainy days and depressed on sunny days, you like stuffed animals. Someone else has a problem with that, that's about them. Who cares ... ya know?


  • cruzanheart

    Once upon a time I bought a huge stuffed bear for a co-worker's baby shower. At the shower, of course, we made him open all the gifts and pass them around. It was psychologically fascinating to watch each person's reaction to the big stuffed bear. The expectant dad hugged it, then passed it to the guy on his right. That guy held it out and made it do a little dance. The third person looked at it unemotionally and passed it on. Another one hugged it, and so on. Knowing these people as I did (most were attorneys), what each of them did with the stuffed bear reflected their attitude about other people and life in general. Very interesting.

    I love stuffed animals. There are two stuffed Harrod's bears in our bedroom and the kids' rooms are full of them. Even our old dog Dexter had his own stuffed toy! (It was a Barney doll and we loved watching him pull the eyes out. Never did like Barney.)


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