Spantz, have ya ever read Dean Koontz's "Strangers"? It's one of the best he's ever written and the first Dean Koontz novel I read. DANG it was good!
What Are You All Reading?!
by Doubtfully Yours 65 Replies latest social current
It's official.. I luvs ya. Dean Koontz is my favorite author and Strangers is possibly my favorite of his books!
Frannie Banannie
I lurvs ya too, SP! I think I've read everything Dean's written...heh.....of course, I didn't get truly interested in Stephen King until "The Stand"
You are REALLY creeping me out here .. The Stand is ALSO the book that got me interesting in King..
I'm more than halfway through Raymond Franz' "Crisis of Conscience." I definitely recommend it to anyone who has not yet read it. Quite an eye opener. Additionally, I'm reading "The Early Christians" by Eberhard Arnold and the "Way of St. Francis" by Murray Bodo. Next on my list is "War, Peace and the Bible" by J. Carter Swain and "War: Four Christian Views" edited by Robert G. Clouse.
Frannie Banannie
You are REALLY creeping me out here .. The Stand is ALSO the book that got me interesting in King..
LOL, Spantz! This must be why we score so similarly on test threads...
Ah well....great minds...heh
I just finished "He's Just Not That Into You" or whatever it's called...I finished it in two hours, and LMAO. Very entertaining. That was right after I finished "Mystic River." Haven't seen the movie, now I gotta compare. Next I picked up a true crime book because there was nothing else around, and I am only slightly committed to finishing it. I am also reading, "Small Business Management: An Entreprenuerial Emphasis" for my course at the community college. Not nearly as enjoyable.
Well (((B))) and Frannie!
I knew I loved you two! for reasons other than great personality and being the ladies that you are!
I have read almost all the books you mentioned and those are among my favorite Authors! Is that cool or what?
I am reading the Celestine Prophecy, by James Redfield.
And I'm still reading,,,A Year by the Sea, Thoughts of an Unfinished Woman by Joan Anderson.....Since it's taking me so long to read it I wonder if that says something about leaving things 'unfinished'?
since your leaving anyway..take out the trash is what i'm reading *a fluff book*
insomniac... ever read sweet savage love by rosemary rogers? sandra hill did a parody type book about that novel..very very funny read.
Frannie Banannie
Well (((B))) and Frannie!
I knew I loved you two! for reasons other than great personality and being the ladies that you are!
I have read almost all the books you mentioned and those are among my favorite Authors! Is that cool or what?
High 5's, ((((Dorothy))))!!