I was invited over to some Witnesses' home for supper the other night. These are nice people even though they still are blinded by this religion so I accepted their invitation. Anyway we got talking about the bible (naturally) and his wife commented on the scripture where that one guy asks Jesus about waiting until he had buried his father before he becomes a follower of His. Jesus of course replies with the "let the dead bury the dead" which of course sounds quite harsh and uncaring.
I had discussed this with a Jewish person I know who had a double Doctorate in Religion (with emphasis on the NT) and Philosophy on what this scripture could possibly mean. Basically he said that Jesus was probably referring to the fact that the Jews used the ossuaries to bury their family members back then. When someone died, they laid their bodies in a cave for one year, then they would collect the bones and place them in the ossuary. The fact that it took a year until you actually "buried" them, he said that in effect Jesus was telling this man not to wait a year before following him, because his father was already dead. (although there were two parts to the funeral service: putting the body in a cave and then putting the bones in the ossuary, hence the saying : "Let the dead bury the dead").
So I explained what I had learned to the Witness couple and their first comments were "Wow! That makes alot of sense!" and "Isn't that interesting, I never thought if it like that before!" I was finally asked "...which publication did you read that in? I don't recall seeing that?" When I told them where I had learned this from, you could see the disappointment on their faces that this wasn't "New Light" from the F&DS, but from (gasp!) a worldly person and a Jew to boot!! The wife then said to me "....Well I don't think we can rely on anything a Jew says. After all, what do they know about the Christian-Greek Scriptures?"
So there ya have it; the Jews don't know squat about the NT, only the Writing Committee does. When I pointed out that the bible is a history of the Jews and that it was written by Jews, she said "well they might have been Jews by race, but they were really Witnesses of Jehovah".
I made my exit shortly after that.