This caught my eye because of a phone call we received last night.
Our cousin drowned yesterday inhis own fathers pool. Although he was 25 and most likely drinking, this doesn't make the pain any different.
And out of 5 children this is the second son they have lost.
What devastation!
All these kids were raised around the org. The parents divorcing and abuse and hypocrisy is the reason reason these kids drink. Although the GOOD JW family, you couldn't tell them that. "It happened cause he's a drunk and not at the meetings."
OH what anger one can possess at a moment like this....
The division for decades that has gone on in this family and that WTBS is the main blame. They will answer. Yes, one does need to look in the mirror and take responsibility, but it is so hard for some babies that have been so abused and misled and guilt ridden.
Compassion, forgiveness and mercy and love is what is needed at this time. Fat chance it will be flowing.
Dad and Mom although remarried three times, may not truly see the root of the problem. Dad goes to meetings every blue moon, drinks but tells his kids its the truth and you need to be at meetings.
Mom goes more, but casts stones and removes straws any opportunity she gets. But don't know how often SHE actually looks in the MIRROR.
Oh sigh What a week ahead of us. BIG BIG family.
Big stone throwers..........
Just thought I'd share today
With christian love