He's wearing a Cowboys T-shirt, isn't he?
by xenawarrior 39 Replies latest jw friends
Actually he has 2 shirts on. Not sure yet what is under the first one but it definetly has a Cowboys logo on it. He has been caught placing Cowboys "stuff" around the place here .
Lauralisa is kicking his ass as we speak
He keeps telling my six month old 51 pound puppy that he's "Catfish Bait" And the dog looks at him with that WTF? expression.
I think he likes being evil..............
He's the kinda guy who would discoonect your electricity when you try to use your blow dryer.......just evil!
Actually, and please take this in the spirit in which it is meant:
Valis would give you anything you needed, anytime, and if he was wearing it, he would take it off and give it to you.
Thank god for Valis
love, lauralisa