Hi any techies! Is it possible to use my digital camara as a webcam?
Digital camara as a webcam?
by Pubsinger 13 Replies latest jw friends
Is it a DV (digital video) camera?
Yes, it is possable...it just depends on the digital camera you own....some will do it, and some will not. Maybe some other poster(s) will be able to give you more info on this
Its a still camara but it can shoot video clips
BTW, Pubsinger, you have this topic under bible...You may want to put it under something else...
i cant believe i'm suggesting this .... read the manual?hehe
mine has the video clip feature. its a hp ... and yes in the manual it tells how to use it as a web cam ..
another thing you might do is go to your manufacturers website and find "how to" info on it. usually the websites have more info than the manual does.
hey, how come you're posting this under the bible study section? Just wondering... If you have a digital video camera and a firewire(macintosh) or a USB hook-up (pc-provided you have a video capture card already installed) you might be able to use it as a web camera.
Sorry Mortons! But this is with a view to distributing the NWT and WT/AW into unsuspecting MSN Messenger users via webcam for improved hours on my report!
what? I don't understand pubsinger....