How long after being df'ed does one have to appeal?
by Jez 9 Replies latest jw friends
It used to be one week (long ago).
Actually you are not considered officially DF'd (although you will be restricted from commenting, praying at meetings, or any special privileges) until the announcement is made in the congregation. From the time they notify you of their intention to DF you, you have 7 days to submit an appeal in writing to them. They are supposed to make every effort to hold that appeal within a week after receiving it. The appeal committe is supposed to be made up of brothers suggested by the CO.
and what is the biblical basis for the seven day standard?
Carmel, actually there is no scriptural standard for appealing in the first place. It implies that the holy spirit is not operating on the elders.
If anyone needed an appeal system, it was the Jews under the Law, especially for those capital crimes.
there is no scriptural standard for appealing in the first place. It implies that the holy spirit is not operating on the elders.
So why would they offer it, if it suggests that the system in place has failed or may fail. Wouldn't that open up possible legal woes for the cong. (WTS) from someone claiming that they were impropperly DF'd?
Why isn't there an appeal for someone who is reproved?
Kwin, you are thinking that the elders really follow the lead of the spirit. It's follow the WTS/Legal all the way. I'm sure someone in the Legal department came up with this rule because someone was railroaded by some ambitious/officious elder body and complained to NY. BTW my holy spirit comment was made 'tongue in cheek' hopefully with some obvious sarcasm.
No appeal when reproved because the individual has confessed to the deed and "repented" to the satisfaction of the judicial committee.
Love, Blondie
No appeal when reproved because the individual has confessed to the deed and "repented" to the satisfaction of the judicial committee.
And if they appealed, it would show they were not repentant! That's the WTS' position and instruction to BOE.
Will Power
This appeal thing is interesting - If holy spirit moves the elders into positions and decisions - how could this be questioned? So how could they have a provision for it unless they don't believe it themselves?
Is there a small print clause in the baptismal vows stating that this dunking commits you to all the rules of the WT society - even the unique laws of their theocratic government? (meaning whatever they find effective written in the margins of the Flock Book at the time?)
Isn't that why legally no one can ever do anything?
Now if it was SEARS or some other company that had treated you this way - company rules or not - you could take action.
- Religion is a Snare and A Racket - now where have we heard that before?
Undaunted Danny
http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=cultbusters My 'appeal'
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