While certain apostates may proclaim a victory by the Bosox as having scriptural significance, is this light from God's earthly organization? Or is it merely Babylonish thinking. Let us examine the facts brothers. The Red Sox wear scarlet sox. Scarlet is the color of the the wild beast. Also please note that the last year the Sox won the series was 1918. Examine the number carefully and you see that 18=6+6+6! 666 is the mark of the beast! Should we put our trust in the Red Sox who are clearly are part of the Devil's visible organization?
Perhaps we should search the scriptures more diligently to find the true prophetic anti-types of major league baseball. Which team represents God's earthly organization? Think back to the time of the prophet Elijah. When he was being reviled by the childish apostates, God sent a she-bear out to tear the apostates to pieces. This she-bear represents God's present earthly organization which tears apostates to pieces! Today that organization is foreshadowed by the prophetic anti-type of that team from the Windy City -- the Chicago Cubs.
When the Cubs are exalted to glory with a World Series victory than shall we know that the fullness of times has arrived and that a glorious paradise earth awaits. Millions of Cub fans living shall never die!