My father decided to get rid of all of his WT books and various Apostate literature, the WT material I really don't want to keep just because I'm sure I'd end up reading it and getting angrier and angrier as I read it. I was thinking of trying to get rid of this stuff on Ebay any ideas of how much these might be worth (I put the copyright in parentheses after the book title) Survival into A New Earth (1984) Make Sure of All Things Hold Fast to What is Fine (1965) Watchtower Attorney Olin R. Moyle Sues Joseph F. Rutherford... this is a transcript of the trial Happiness Then is Finished The Mystery of God (1969) Enemies (1937) Holy Bible: American Standard Version (1901...I'm sure it wasn't printed then but it's the only date I can find in it) The Truth Shall Make You Free (1943) This Means Everlasting Life (1950) Children (1941) Good News to Make You Happy (1976) Let Your Kingdom Come (1981) Your Youth Getting The Best Of It (1976) God's Eternal Purpose Now Triumphing For Man's Good (1974) Listening to The Great Teacher (1971) The Truth That Leads To Eternal Life (1968) Making Your Family life Happy (1978) Is The Bible Really The Word of God (1969) Riches (1936) Your Will Be Done On Earth (1958) The Kingdom is at Hand (1944) United In Worshin of the Only True God (1983) You Can Live Forever In Paradise on Earth (1982) Did Man Get Here By Evolution or Creation (1967) Reasoning From the Scriptures (1985) Babylon The Great Has Fallen God's Kingdom Rules (1963) Aid To Bible Understanding (1971) Millions Now Living Will Never Die (reprint I believe) True Peace and Security From What Source (1973) Life Does Have a Purpose (1977) Is This Life All There Is (1974) The Bible: God's Word or Man's (1989) Things in Which it is Impossible For God to Lie (1965) 1969 Yearbook From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained (1958) All Scripture is Inspired of God and Beneficial (1963) My Book Of Bible Stories (1978) Revelation It's Grand Climax at Hand (1988) Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock (1979) The New Aorld (1942) The Finished Mystery (I think it's a re-print) Troy Debates Rutherford (another transcript) Those are all the ones I'm willing to part with right now, these aren't in complete mint condition, they were stored in an indoor (connected to the house) garage for years but not in bad shape a bit dirty on the covers for some of them, still fantastic shape though. I feel kinda wierd he wanted to get rid of these saying he spent ten years in the divorce case with my mom all about witness stuff. But hopefully I can fetch a couple hundred off these and help him out a bit. I'm hoping for like a price for some of this stuff so I can figure out a minimum bid and a possible buy it now price. Thanks for any help you all can give me.
Old WT book values...
by Tuesday 12 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Tuesday..."Freeminds" used to have a place to sell literature.....have you tried there?
I'll give you 50 bucks and I pay shipping. Deal?
These will not bring you much on eBay because they are so new and abundant. Moyle and Standard a bit, Millions a bit, but the rest very little. If I were you, I would strongly consider Alan F's deal. Try to push him just a bit further up, but still it's a rather good deal.
(Alan F - would you consider donating me a small %, since I have more or less OK'ed your deal? :-) )
The Thinker
IF you are willing to post them to Australia, I'll buy some of you. I'll tell you which ones I want and maybe we can make a deal.
Please email me at [email protected] or just PM on this board.
Just don't bogart my corner on the Watchtower-ebay market!
I will give you $50.50 and AlanF pays the shipping. $50.00 is a good price for what you have there, nothing teribbly interesting. Take Alan's cash and run.
Best regards - HS
I was researching a bit on and some of the Rutherford things were over a hundred dollars. I'm sorry if I'm being picky but since my Dad spent so much time doing reseach on this the price definetly has to be right or I'd feel bad just getting rid of them just to get rid of them. I promise not to post too much on Ebay LOL, I'm too busy buying old AWA remco figures on Ebay anyway ;) Thanks for giving me ideas for the prices thanks for the help
Frankly, you'll be lucky to get more than $5.00 each even for the Rutherford books on Ebay. More if the stuff were in absolutely mint condition, but you said it's not. I wish you success in selling it. AlanF
The dealers on ABE are retail dealers. What you are looking at is the retail price and normally in very good condition, not what you will get for them when you try to sell them. For example, no dealer will take *any* WTS book that is underlined. Your situation is rather like looking at a car in a garage selling for $15,000 and asking them if they would give *you* $15,000 for your similar car, not realizing that the garage bought the car for much less than the asking price.
Your only realistic selling venue is ebay where many of these dealers buy the books in the first place at the $5.00-10.00 the best of them is worth to the trade.
Best regards - HS