Sorry Corvin, cannot think of anything nice to say about anybody on this Board.....hold on a, false alarm they are on another Board.
I have met a few people who post on JWD, AlanF, Duncan, Steve & Joy, Belbab, Outlaw, all wonderful good-hearted people. There are a few that I would like to meet, Narkissos ( to exchange French Bethel notes as we have aquaintances in common ), Simon ( to tickle him under his chin and make him purr ) Englishman ( to show him what a drinker is really all about ), SevenOfNine ( as I think we share a common musical taste ), Billygoat ( because I now have not one, but two John Mayer autographs for her and have lost her address *again* ) Minimus ( because I reckon I could make him cry in sixty-eight seconds ), Farkel ( to see him playing his piano wearing Minimus blonde wig ). Sixty-seven....sixty-six...and of course SP ( and her forensically shaped violin ) Slippy ( to buy some condoms for Zambia ).
That is about it. The rest of you can all bugger off.
Best regards - HS