I was having a really rough time when I met my best friend on the internet, and from that day on we talked every day on the internet and on the phone, then I went to visit her and stayed with her for a few weeks the first time and went to all the meetings with her and her husband. I came home and continued to go to the meetings, then went back to visit her for and stayed 3 1/2 months this time..
Her co in Memphis happened to be moving to my area in Illinois, and she asked that she come visit us. So they did when they got here.
Started a Bible study and have been going regularly until lately when I just couldn't do it anymore.
There was too much that I did not beleive, my family was really upset about it and worried about me, and we started losing long time family friends because of me being involved with them.
It was all really enticing..the love they show you when you walk in..I had people that really loved me. So it was great for a while. And I just couldn't even think about losing my best friend. She always said she never got to have a baby but she was so glad she met me..because I was like her daughter and best friend. I would have done ANYTHING for her, and I still will,..except go to the meetings. I just hope she can understand that someday.
I understand what you mean about feeling like you'll never meet someone like her again..that's exactly how I feel. I had ALWAYS been looking for a best friend and when I met her, I felt like I had everything.
No one can make me laugh like she does, and I can't ever tell anyone things like I can her. No one can ever make me feel better like her either..I often fell asleep talking to her when I was sad because she just has this soothing, hypnotic voice.
She was just like another mom. I really hope she still will be.
I really hope you can find another best friend..nope,..nobody can be replaced. I really hope that she sees what's really going on someday and comes and tells you.
It really hurts when your best friends decides you're "bad" association, doesn't it?
I know I have never said anything to her that would lead her the wrong way or help her make a wrong decision.
But they just can't see past what they have been taught,..anyone who does not go to meetings is bad association.
As hurtful as that is, I'm not taking it personally. I know I am not bad,..not that bad anyway lol. I may be my own worst enemy but I'm not hers. lol
I really hope that your friend comes around someday...it's really tough. Especially when you love someone and want them to be happy..and you see them being controlled.
I know I wish I could save my friend and I'm sure you wish you could save yours, too.
((HUGS)) (and thanks)