waiting, Go to http://www.netlingo.com This explains nearly everthing you may be wondering about. :)
JW and XJW DB's , Bible Conscience and Truth.
by spectromize 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
I was way off on the FDA. In the USA, FDA stands for Food and Drug Administration.
But thanks a lot for the other initials - I've only had to refer back here a couple of times to figure out what other were saying!!
FDS kinda threw me. We have a feminine hygiene deoderant in the USA with the same name. I'm assuming there's no connection.
Actually, Waiting, I don't think they've had that spray around for quite a while. They found that such sprays were harmful to your health, so unlike the FDS in Brooklyn, it was discontinued.
Both forms of FDS gave you a feeling of security....the deoderant spray smelled better, though.
Man, I've been out of the loop way too long. FDS Feminine Hygiene Deoderant is no longer around? Did the FDA take FDS out of the A&P?
My caffine is kicking in!
yep...and they did it ASAP....definitely not on the QT LOL
An elder who I was quite outspoken with and fond of - completely "just friends" as he was an olfish kinda fellow, once told me (with his eyes rolling backwards) "Give a woman an inch and she'll take a mile."
I've run out of initials - I'll have have to resort to words and cheap humor. Got any handy?
Got plenty of words....any particular ones you had in mind? As far as cheap humor is concerned....well, count me in! :)
Hey, Red!!!!
I'll have you know that I was in Eckard's Drug store the other day - and there it was!!!
FDS in two fragrances.....and the other FDS comes in only one.....
Is this deep or what?
Hey waiting-Please let us all know what the new light fragrances smell like.
Really? They still make it? I thought that they took it off the market. BTW, never subsitute cologne for a feminine deoderant.....NEVER!!