must have scurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd him off
When is your favorite time to post?
by confusedjw 17 Replies latest jw friends
*LOL* noob got ascared...*LOL* Must suck to be cornfused and ascared...*LOL*
District Overbeer
NO I didn't get scared. Hamburgers came off the grill and the beer out of the freezer so I leapt up and got me some.
"n00bs your daddy" is going to look good tatooed on your bald, boney, beanie - t-head.
Sassy. I can't compete with you typing skilZ
When is your favorite time to post?
When I'm supposed to be doing homework ..
During the Watchtower study, preferably when the study's on "apostacy"
Whenever I want and can at the same time ...
Tim Horton
Definately night time! That's when all the loonies come out to play. Rusty
Tim Horton
You guys are making me laugh my hairy tushy off. R