G'day all,
So the countdown continures to The election and it'll soon be over. "Thank goodness" some might say, eh??
Anyway, on a more personal level, how's the week been for you? Hopefully not too traumatic. If you're only recently exiting the Borg you have our sympathy - it does get better. Honest!
Let's reminisce a while with a poll. So get yourself a refreshing cup of tea or coffee, or better still a glass of red and reminisce with us over this one.
This weekend's question is..............................
What did you (would you) do when you were left waiting on the territory while others carried on talking at a door?
1. Patiently waited on the street corner for an hour or two (I was counting "the time"!)
2. Patiently waited for up to an hour.
3 Patiently Impatiently waited ½ an hour.
4. Went looking for the group leader to find out where to go next.
5. Started street witnessing while I was waiting.
6. Called on all the homes again asking if they'd seen them.
7. Figured I'd make use of the time and pre-studied for the next meeting.
8. Went home!
So, what did you do? Come on, reminiscing means you have to be truthful!!!
So, let us know.
Cheers, Ozzie
Freedom means not having to wear a tie.