One good thing (the ONLY GOOD THING) about Kingdom Songs was that I could follow the notes. Having done this so many times, I can now sort-of read music from a sheet in a half-assed sorta way! Excellent! But yeah, they were the lowest of the low, those bloody tunes, GRRR, <GNASH TEETH A BIT>, I really hated them...the same songs, over and over...!
Seven006:"Have you tried drugs? Shooting up a little heroin might do the trick, it's hard to type when your stoned out of your mind. I don't know how TR does it!"
As a teenager, I knew the lyrics to most of the pop songs that played on the radio like every teenager does. I remember my mom saying, if you can memorize the words to all of those songs then you could surely memorize many of the Kingdom songs. Why don't you spend your time doing that?
Oh Puleeeze Mother!! She wanted me to be such a nerd.
BTW OZZIE, Jan posted to this thread back in July, maybe she's still around, maybe not.
Betcha didn’t know that “We’re Jehovahs witnesses” was once just a half of a special “symphony” written for the 1966 district assemblies just as the 75 thingy was a-brewing. It was played over and over again during the intermissions.
The “symphony” was later split into 2 parts and became 2 separate Kingdom songs, 1 of which was “We’re JW’s”, the other half became a song also but the title escapes me. I recall the other half contained these lines:
"... What will you bring, Jehovah's Kingdom? Triumph of troof and righteousness! And bring what else, Jehovah's Kingdom? Eternal life and happiness. Paaaaiiiiisssseee the universal soveriegn, for his love and faithfulness. OH GOD!!!! WHY NOWWWWW???? ahaha! Truly funny, Simon!
Hey... anyone else remember that song where they talked about the bees that were molested? I never could figure out WHY in the world someone wrote that!!!! Talk about stretching for rhyme!!!