HG not only did you deduce correctly, but you almost word for word explained what my friend in bethel told me a few months ago. The NY area is now basically the mecca for JWs not an HQ. The book company is the only thing they wana keep a choke hold on that will stay thiers, but since only a hand full of jws work there, and lawyers are the final draft editors, and this country has free press fat chance sueing that. Like in islam while it might be the most important place for the adherents there is no muslim pope that unilateraly represents or takes civil resposiblity for all muslims. So you can't sue a muslim church for 911 for example.
The problem is JWism. JWs have be farmed to believe all roads lead to NY. Legaly this is a bad thing. Look at the catholic church. The WTS on paper destroyed that system a long time ago because I assume it has better lawyers than the Pope. THe problem is the jws sueing them don't believe them and in some places neither do the judges.
Now we are having several layers of obscurifacation in JW speak to the point each JW has to try to remember what is the "real belief". Oddly the average JW is slacking off so much that many dont know the change or accidentaly tell the confidential info, or worse the original belief.
Take the GB. They are the leaders of all jws, they control the watchtower, they are the board of directors. You really are suppossed to awnser no to all these things. Yet if you fall out of line the first thing the elders ask are do you believe the fds or gb are god's channel, or is the watchtower god's spirit directed org.
If a non-profit org can be guilty of such a thing what they are doing is rackteering. Phantom leaders or leader laundering is illegal, but because the courts hate wading throught religion nobody will dare make a case in fear of the 1st amendment.
What the WTS wants is some telepathic collective consciousness. That does not exist in real life. So the best they can do is disband jws, and use the publications as the conscience of the branches and their underlings.
So for example they don't want to DF any JW for voting. THey simply want all jws not to vote. THe problem happens what if a jw votes? You make them feel guilty for it in the publications. WHat if they don't feel guilty? You are now stuck. You can't DF or DA them (this is a hypothetical scenario bear with me) the best you can do is brand them as "weak", but now you are like "christiandom" where anything goes. If the JWs find out the policy to df or da is decided by the branch (not world wide) and not god there is a schizm.
The new blood issue is a new technique confuse everybody (jws, elders, doctors, lawyers) tell them to do what every they feel is right, and issue a gag order.
Right now they are trying to court pious or weak minded people, and run the normal people out of the org. THe pious ones will say "I am better than the world because I dont do X", the weak minded people will do what the pious ones do to please them.