Elder told me Voting was a conscience matter

by confusedjw 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • confusedjw

    Speaking with an elder this weekend and the subject of voting came up (we were talking about things changing) and he pointed to the matter of voting. He said it was a matter of conscience. (previously he and I have had very very in depth discussions on my new take of the WTBTS)

    I don't think he realizes that most don't see the Questions from Readers as changing this.

    *** Watchtower 1999 November 1 pp.28-9 Questions From Readers ***

    Questions From Readers
    How do Jehovah's Witnesses view voting?

    There are clear principles set out in the Bible that enable servants of God to take a proper view of this matter. However, there appears to be no principle against the practice of voting itself. For example, there is no reason why a board of directors should not take a vote in order to arrive at decisions affecting their corporation. Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses often make decisions about meeting times and the use of congregation funds by voting with a show of hands.

    What, though, of voting in political elections? Of course, in some democratic lands, as many as 50 percent of the population do not turn out to vote on election day. As for Jehovah's Witnesses, they do not interfere with the right of others to vote; neither do they in any way campaign against political elections. They respect and cooperate with the authorities who are duly elected in such elections. (Romans 13:1-7) As to whether they will personally vote for someone running in an election, each one of Jehovah's Witnesses makes a decision based on his Bible-trained conscience and an understanding of his responsibility to God and to the State. (Matthew 22:21; 1 Peter 3:16) In making this personal decision, the Witnesses consider a number of factors.

    First, Jesus Christ said of his followers: "They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world." (John 17:14) Jehovah's Witnesses take this principle seriously. Being "no part of the world," they are neutral in the political affairs of the world.?John 18:36.

    Second, the apostle Paul referred to himself as an "ambassador" representing Christ to the people of his day. (Ephesians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20) Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Christ Jesus is now the enthroned King of God's heavenly Kingdom, and they, like ambassadors, must announce this to the nations. (Matthew 24:14; Revelation 11:15) Ambassadors are expected to be neutral and not to interfere in the internal affairs of the countries to which they are sent. As representatives of God's heavenly Kingdom, Jehovah's Witnesses feel a similar obligation not to interfere in the politics of the countries where they reside.

    A third factor to consider is that those who have a part in voting a person into office may become responsible for what he does. (Compare 1 Timothy 5:22, The New English Bible.) Christians have to consider carefully whether they want to shoulder that responsibility.

    Fourth, Jehovah's Witnesses greatly value their Christian unity. (Colossians 3:14) When religions get involved in politics, the result is often division among their members. In imitation of Jesus Christ, Jehovah's Witnesses avoid becoming involved in politics and thus maintain their Christian unity.?Matthew 12:25; John 6:15; 18:36, 37.

    Fifth and finally, their keeping out of politics gives Jehovah's Witnesses freeness of speech to approach people of all political persuasions with the important message of the Kingdom.?Hebrews 10:35.

    In view of the Scriptural principles outlined above, in many lands Jehovah's Witnesses make a personal decision not to vote in political elections, and their freedom to make that decision is supported by the law of the land. What, though, if the law requires citizens to vote? In such a case, each Witness is responsible to make a conscientious, Bible-based decision about how to handle the situation. If someone decides to go to the polling booth, that is his decision. What he does in the polling booth is between him and his Creator.

    The November 15, 1950, issue of The Watchtower, on pages 445 and 446, said: "Where Caesar makes it compulsory for citizens to vote . . . [Witnesses] can go to the polls and enter the voting booths. It is here that they are called upon to mark the ballot or write in what they stand for. The voters do what they will with their ballots. So here in the presence of God is where his witnesses must act in harmony with his commandments and in accordance with their faith. It is not our responsibility to instruct them what to do with the ballot."

    What if a Christian woman's unbelieving husband insists that she present herself to vote? Well, she is subject to her husband, just as Christians are subject to the superior authorities. (Ephesians 5:22; 1 Peter 2:13-17) If she obeys her husband and goes to the polling booth, that is her personal decision. No one should criticize her.?Compare Romans 14:4.

    What of a country where voting is not mandated by law but feelings run high against those who do not go to the voting booth?perhaps they are exposed to physical danger? Or what if individuals, while not legally obliged to vote, are severely penalized in some way if they do not go to the polling booth? In these and similar situations, a Christian has to make his own decision. "Each one will carry his own load."?Galatians 6:5.

    There may be people who are stumbled when they observe that during an election in their country, some Witnesses of Jehovah go to the polling booth and others do not. They may say, 'Jehovah's Witnesses are not consistent.' People should recognize, though, that in matters of individual conscience such as this, each Christian has to make his own decision before Jehovah God.?Romans 14:12.

    Whatever personal decisions Jehovah's Witnesses make in the face of different situations, they take care to preserve their Christian neutrality and freeness of speech. In all things, they rely on Jehovah God to strengthen them, give them wisdom, and help them avoid compromising their faith in any way. Thus they show confidence in the words of the psalmist: "You are my crag and my stronghold; and for the sake of your name you will lead me and conduct me."?Psalm 31:3.

  • hillbilly

    it's a trick.........on your way out of the voting hall he will toss a net over you and drag your ass to a "library" nearby..............


  • zugzwang

    It's just like taking a blood transfusion or joining the military. The WTS is moving away from official action against these things because of legal repercussions. It's just another example of the lawyers at the HQ taking over the decision making process.

  • cyberguy

    This is one of the Watchtower articles that got me in a ton of trouble! I sent an email to a long-time friend of mine, an x-Bethelite, and his wife turned me in to the "authorities" because I made a mockery of what was said! Furthermore, shortly after in the U.S., CO?s were instructed to tell JW?s in their usual talks to the congregation during their visit, that this policy-change did NOT apply to JW?s in the U.S! Go figure!

    My take on this is that they put this bull-crap in the Watchtower, to impress political elements in Europe (many former Soviet controlled governments) that JW?s do not restrict the activity of their believers to vote, take blood transfusions, or whatever else! Oh yes, it?s okay to lie, if it?s for "theocratic, strategic warfare!"

  • jayhawk1

    That was one of the last few publications I got! Ha ha ha! That was just another nail in the coffin that became of my faith in the Watchtower Society. I remember the impression I got when I finished reading it. The society went from, "Hell no, nobody votes, to well if you live in a land where it could be a problem, go ahead and vote. But remember we are no part of the world, so remember Jehovah might not like it."

    Voting today at 0800!

  • confusedjw

    There is not question that this guy definately believes it and if he discusses it with someone else and gets corrected it won't sit well. I'm going to have a follow up with him.

    Perhaps I'll print off the Bulgarian Blood thing to show a bit of a pattern with impressing gov'ts and lawyerly advice being a policy maker.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    I don't think there's a more blatant example of WT's intellectual dishonesty out there in black and white than this item; it's a transparent bid to portray to the increasingly suspicious governments of Europe and elsewhere than JWs are a good deal more liberal and respectful of individual conscience than is actually the case.

    The JWs of the Rutherford era may have been wild-eyed whacko radicals, but at least their ``damn the consequences; we don't vote nor care who knows it!" stance was at least a principled one.

  • LeslieV

    It really makes me ill when you remember the thousands of innocent JW's in Malawi that lost their lives because they were told they could not buy a 25 cent political card. How in the world do they live with their conscience. It really makes me want to hurl. Vomit


  • confusedjw

    Live with their conscience? Apparently only one had a conscience, Ray. Megalomaniacs. God Complex. It is beyond my understanding as it seems to them this is a club. "Follow our rules or you can't see you family again" And this is perceived as loyalty to God.

    So I voted this morning. An elder said I could.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    A third factor to consider is that those who have a part in voting a person into office may become responsible for what he does. (Compare 1 Timothy 5:22, The New English Bible.) Christians have to consider carefully whether they want to shoulder that responsibility.

    Seems a good idea that this should be explained to everyone who elects to support the wtbts

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